Dickinson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dickinson College know before they start?


dont stress too much about it - but a campus visit is a MUST!! get a feel for the campus - can you imagine yourself living there? talk to students and professors.


In my opinion, there are two key elements that a student must look for in a prospective school. The first is the academic fit. If a student wants to be a chemical engineer, they should choose a school like Penn State over a school like Dickinson. Conversely, if a student is unsure about their future and would like to probe into a variety of subject areas they should certainly consider a liberal arts school. The seconcd element that should be considered is the student body. A student should pick a school where they are fairly certain there will be a group of students with similar interests and activities, so that the student can quickly become involved in the campus, thereby strengthening the student's sense of community and school spirit. If a student can find a school that appears to fit them perfectly, both academically and personally, they will enjoy an exceptional collegiate experience.


I would advise parents and students who are searching for the right college to avoid comparing college choice with peers. Rather than turn the college search into a competition, use it as a time of self contemplation and discovery. By spending the time to discover what you personally want to do, be, or learn you will be better prepared to find the college that can offer those opportunities to allow you to grow. Similar to the college search process, I suggest that students take their time to discover what they are passionate about, and only then will they truly understand who they are and what they would want to do in their lives or study for the next four years, or more.


The advice that I would give parents and/or students about finding the right college would definitely be to look into high school programs and online college sites. Programs may help pay for an array of typical college necessities such as tests and applications. Online college sites can help any prospective student discover college options that may have not been previously considered. It is important to both view college websites and attend as many information sessions at colleges in person as possible. While on campus, or even through online social networking sites, discuss campus life with students before even applying to the college. To make the most out of the college experience, it is important to review what extra-curricular activities are available and how they may enrich in-class experiences. While a new student is at a college, keep in mind that the transition from home to dorm may not be very smooth. While a student is on campus, it is his or her home during any given academic year, so either find a group of people or find off-campus activities that are suitible to individual likes and dislikes while the college years are still fresh and alive.


Trust your instincts and be honest with yourself.


Have to visit overnight, to really understand campus life.


Be more concerned about what you will get out of your college experience than what it will cost, it is an extremely important time in your life that you shouldn't compromise on.


I would say to keep an open mind in both cases. Don't judge a school entirely by what you read or hear about it. Go vist th school if possible and actually experience it first hand. It is a lot of fun and a great learning experience to go see a school you are considering. THis is also key in getting the most of the college experience itself. By keeping an open mind, a person might just meet and befriend people they never would have thought they would like or find a new field of study that really grabs their interest. A college it is easy to find all of these things if parents and students are willing to see them.


When choosing a college, first find schools that will definitely meet your educational needs even if you decide to change your major (assuming it is not a drastic change). This is important since most students change their major after starting college and few people know what they want to do for a living before attending college. Then pick the school that you feel most comfortable. It has to be in a place that you want to live for the next 4 years. Furthermore, you want to fit in witht the other students and feel comfortable with the professors and other staff. Once at school, take advantage of EVERY opportunity. If you think you might like to try it, GO FOR IT, because you may never get the opportunity again. This includes taking interesting classes outside of your major, studying abroad, volunteering, or joing a club/organization. And of course, like everyone will tell you, HAVE FUN. This doesn't neccessarily mean party and drink, just find something you are passionate about and dive in.


Make sure you visit the school and if possible do an overnight visit to get a good feel of the school.