Dixie State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dixie State University know before they start?


The thing that i have got out of my college experience that has been of the most use to me has been the educational opportunities I have been presented with and the awesome environment in and around the college.


Go to the academic advisor and have hime pick your classes. Classes would be more fun with the help of the academic advisor. Ask questions so you know the answers; furthermore ask anybody the pondered question, it may help. Do not take any classes ealier than 8:00am. Taking classes earlier than 8:00am really sucks on finals week; also all nighters can't be pulled. There are twenty-four hours in a day dont waste the early morning time for classes that you may sleep in. There are serious consequences to taking early morning classes. Excersising is a better alternative than taking early morning classes. Go to the library! Home is for resting not studying. Force yourself to do things that may not want to be done but have to. Laziness will settle in, if you dont force yourself. Get out and get some fresh air; just dont over do partying. Its college get out and have some fun but do not do crazy things that will result in fines. It really sucks to get pulled over and threated to be taken to jail for doing something unnecessary . Last but not least, keep a positive attitude.


If I had the oppertunity to go back in time and five myself advise, I would tell myself that I should do concurrent enrolment during my senior year of high school. I watched so many friends take one or two classes during the semester and they have told me that it was worth the extra effort. They are more ajusted to college life than I am after being in college for almost a year. I would also tell myself to study for my classes and don't take just the easy classes. Take some hard classes that push you to do better. The last advice I'd give to myself is to have fun during college. Not the partying all night and every night kind of fun, but to find new freinds and do something creative with them. Get out of your comfort zone a little and explore all the possibilities life has to give you.


Do well your senior year, even though it doesn't really affect what college you get into it doesn't hurt to have a good GPA so you qualify for financial aid and scholarships. Go on a service mission for a while (at least a year) before college so you can learn how to take care of yourself and be on your own. Instead of dumping that first year tuition on school you won?t take seriously, use it to go on a humanitarian mission, or something like it, to experience the world. They you'll be ready to take college seriously. Not only will this help you with people skills it also teaches you to be much more responsible. It will save you a lot of money too, a lot of kids fail their freshmen year because they haven?t learned how to be on their own and they just want to party. You can have fun while going to school and still get good grades.


First and foremost I would tell myself to get things done. Instead of taking those cooking classes to look at all the girls get the classes done that you need and hit the books hard. Another thing would be even though recreational activities are good it doesn't mean take 3 semesters of bowling, as I still haven't figuered out how to use that skill in my life outside of that sport. Listening to my teachers and doing the homework and class work would also be a great help. One of the last things I would tell myself is to work less and study more.


I would tell myself that i should take the opportunities i had as a high school student to save money by taking advanced courses that would give me college credit. this is a great way to save money and get a better feel for what is expected as a college student. I would recommend not applying for a school for its name, but for one that would comfortably suite you as a college student. Make sure that you don't look at the financial aspects of college as one of the main reason for choosing where it is that you want to go because there are many opportunities that will help pay for what it is that you need. prepare yourself for long strenuous nights of studying and doing homework. i would make sure to tell myself that if there is ever an opportunity for receiving a scholarship or some kind of financial aide not to pass it up, and do what it takes to receive it. Don't be afraid to socialize and make new friends on campus, because with friends comes more opportunities not only with school work, but with a more positive social life.


Dear Loro, My friend, you are an intelligent girl. When you apply yourself to a task you can succeed. Coming out of that Psychology class has left you with a feeling of inspiration. You know this is exactly what you want to do with your life. Go for it now, while you are young and have the opportunity to help many people find direction and have hope in difficult times. Don't wait to get your education. The path of education will also help you find yourself and make your life a great place to live. What a wonderful gift you could give to yourself and others. People naturally follow you and ask you for advice, even as a young girl that really has very little experience in life. You have a calming effect on others, but still have a way of helping them see their problems from a different perspective. Give it a try. What do you have to lose from experiencing college? It's also a great way to spread your wings into the adult world. Even if you put those great things aside, college life is great fun! And very confirming to you personally. Do it!


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to be too nervous to go out and meet new people. I would encourage myself to participate in school related activities and join groups where I feel I could fit in. I would also tell myself that it is important to stay up on school work and not to procrastinate. Study harder and more that I did in high school and don't assume that the same study techniques will work. I would tell myself to make good friends and keep in contact with the old ones.


The first would be don't be afraid to try new things at college. Join clubs, go to school sponsered activities, and just even talk to the people in your classes. The more you are willing to put into college and the experieces you'll get there, academic wise and not academic, the more you'll get out of college and the more you will gain. Second would be not to underestimate what you are able to handle. Take those harder classes even if you don't think you can handle it. You are able to adjust to the harder stuff. Last don't be afraid to take classes and do things that take you out of your comfort zone. The more you do the better off you will be in the long run.


While in high school i wish i would have told myself to be better with money, college is really expensive and so many students are competing for the better scholarship or a way to rig the system. I also would advise myself to take a math class during my senior so i wouldn't have wasted almost a full year of college re-taking a math class that i had taken during my sophmore year of high school. When i moved away to college the transition was a much easier change than some of my peers because my parents made sure that i held a stabe job all my life and i knew pretty much how to take care of myself. I didnt rely as much on my parents as some of my friends did. I think that is one of the major shock of college the realization that you are on your own.