Dominican College of Blauvelt Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dominican College of Blauvelt know before they start?


College is an unforgettable expereince. A prospective student knows what he or she likes immediately as far as academics, social life, and extracurricular activities are concerned. After viewing a few colleges, I knew that I wanted to go to a small private school where I could study literature on a bench while the leaves changed. I romanticized those things. When it came to paying for it, I just took the loans out and didn't think twice. Big Mistake. There are so many grants and scholarships available to students that to not take advantage of such resouces is foolish. Research everything meticulously, even if you'd rather be hanging out with your friends. Jobs will not magically appear at your feet when you graduate. Work hard, research everything, and then research your research. Stay focused on what you, as an individual, want for your life, and never forget about the price tag.


i got a good college experience out of it and learning alot everyday


My advice to parents and students about finding the right school would be to make sure you visit the school many times, make sure they really are goin to give you the finacial aid they promise and most of all make sure that the students will be able to do well in the school.


The college's location is one of the most important factors. This will affect the number of choices you have. Is the college close enough to home? student might still want the family close enough for weekend visits. The size of the college may be a factor. A small-town student who graduated from high school with 100 seniors may suffer from culture shock in a large university When considering size, look at the instructor-student ratio. How accessible are the instructors? Do they take an active interest in their students? Also, class sizes vary greatly. Academically, it's important that the college has a strong offering in your child's chosen major. Find out the academic requirements for that major and what learning opportunities are available. What job-placement services does the college provide? The nonacademic and social life, are there social and extracurricular activities that appeal to your student's interests? Find out the availability of athletic, social, academic, and recreational clubs.consider cost.,College is expensive, but almost all colleges have scholarship awards, loans, work-study, and other types of aid to help ease the financial burden. Let the child choose a school where he feels comfortable.


Find something for yourself not what your friends are doing.


When starting my search for the right college for me, i wrote down the pros and cons for each school that i was attending on applying to . Personally if you feel you can make it away from home, i would suggest going somewhere that is not close to home. Having the experience of living on a college campus is one that you will want to have. I would also suggest keeping in mind your financial situation. It is smarter to do what is realistic, rather than put yourself in debt to go to a school because of the name.


Find a place that you feel most comfortable at. Visiting a college is a must. You have to go there at least a couple times and try to find out as much as you can about it before making your decision. Make sure it has the academic programs that you are interested in. Make sure it's the right size and location. You should take into consideration proximity to home as well as the surrounding area. You really have to research the college and try to hear what friends and other people have to say about it because every college you visit will try to make it look like the greatest place you can go. Tour guides and college websites are not always something to take into consideration because they are not always as they seem. Once you get there you should just try to have as much fun as possible while keeping up the hard work in the classroom. You should go out and party on the weekends if thats what you like or get out and find some other entertaining things to do. Experience as much as you can because when it's over it's over.