Dowling College Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Dowling College?


I feel like students who attend Dowling college should not be expecting a large school experience. Dowling has small classroom sizes and I am not aware of the college having any sororities or fraternities. There are no lecture halls with hundreds of students presents. We deal with profressors rather than teaching assisstants. You know your professors on a personal level and attendance matters. When coming to Dowing, don't expect to be just a number. If you plan on blending on and skating by, Dowling is not the place for you. Instead, plan on taking an active role.


A commuter who is only interested in academics and no social life.


someone who is focused on school work, lives close by, is willing to go home a lot


Students who attend this school should be motivated enough to work on their own without the coddling of teachers; don't expect any here.


A person who would like to get a good education.


A person who should come to Dowling should be serious about getting an education. These teachers are here to help you suceed and graduate on time. Dowling is not a party school so you must put that aside if your going to attend here.


A person who is need of extra help. Its a big school for the learning disabled.


Someone who wouldn't mind missing out on the "college experience", a person who wants to get their degree a.s.a.p. from a fairly well known college and begin their career with a solid education behind them.