Drew University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Drew University?


The kind of person that should attend Drew University is someone who is dedicated and willing to work hard to accomplish their dreams. The kind of person who should attend this school is someone who is driven and has clear goals in mind, and is not willing to give in to distractions. This person should be focused. This kind of person should also be open to discovering new things, diversity, and learning their self-worth, and realize that college is a time to prepare for your future, not slack off.


The kind of person that should attend Drew University should be someone who cherish learning and willing to work hard to overcome any difficulties face. Drew is not a party school nor a school to make friends and have fun all the time. It is more for networking, meeting new and different people also respectfully accepting their differences while working together. Someone who is like me, a young lady who want so much more in life than what life has to offer.


Anyone, just come to the school for an open house and see if it feels right. The school is known for being strong in theatre and politcal science, but it's also a hidden jewel for the sciences.


Drew University is a very expensive school so someone who can afford it, someone liberal and open-minded willing to work hard and play hard.


A person with ambition, and ready to interact with many different types of people. Also it would help if you have the level to play a college sport, it would help a lot because people would make more friends easily.


Hard working individual who is willing to get involved.


I think the type of person who should attend Drew should be open to new life experiences and be willing to accpet different types of people. A sucessful Drew student is someone who likes to have a good time and socialize, but at the same time is willing to put their education first. Drew University is a very expensive school and people shouldn't take the education they are given for granted. Also, if that person fences, we have one of the best fencing teams in the country. In addition, we have exchange students from all over the world.


Someone who likes low key, comfortable settings where you hang out with small groups, not cliquey at all, and it becomes like a family. If you're laid back, enjoy the woods yet still have access to NYC is a great balance.


someone who is more liberal, open minded, and enjoys the small school enviornment where everyone knows everyone


Someone looking for a solid liberal arts education in any field, even math and science. A quirky, artsy nature is not necessary, but would probably help you fit in even more.