Your future will be exactly what you strive to make it. Be excited because you will learn more than you can imagine and you will achieve the independence and self-reliance you wish for. Be prepared to use your adaptive skills and have fun with them. Do not lose confidence or hope any step of the way.
I would tell my high school self to figure out exactly what I want in a college and talk to the professors of my major in order to get the best possible educational experience. I would also tell myself to talk to financial advisors at each school and see how much each school would cost. I did not do that when applying the first time and I ended up at a very expensive school which I know canot afford on my own.
If I could go back in time and give myself some advice, I would most definitely encourage myself to work more and to apply for more scholarships. While I did both of these things throughout highschool, I feel like I could have done more. I only received $750 in scholarships while in high school, and I am sure I could have done a better job and applyed for many more. In addition, I could have worked more hours at my jobs, as they were occaisionally available. I think that while I was a senior, I wasn't prepared to face the real world, and the cost of tuition had not yet set in as a reality. I now find myself with insufficient funds to pay for my tuition, and now my chances of attaining a degree are in jeopardy.
I would advice young teens to give everything they have in high school, I would say that high school is one of the most important parts of education. I would recommend to high school kids to dedicate time to study, also give time to sports but the most important is school. If you do a good job in high school you are not going to be worrying about loans and interest rates, I hope the economy goes up in order for more young kids without economic backgrounds can study.
I would tell myself not to stress out about college as much as I did. I was really worried that I would have friends or get along with anyone at my school and that hasn't been the case at all. I have made great friends, friends that I can see myself still talking to in thirty years. They have become my impromtu family and are always there for me if I have a bad day or just need someone to talk too. I was also worried that I would fail out of college my first semster, but I would tell my old self that I shouldn't worry as long as work hard and remember to study so that I actually get my homework and other course work done I will be just fine. I was also worried that there would be nothing to do when on my campus. But once again I was just being a worry wort because I never have a boring moment in my day. Whether I am giving a tour, playing Ultimate Frisbee, or just studying away in the library, I feel like I belong on my campus, and I love that feeling.
There is a secret about college that I wish I had known before I started: it's not that scary. I remember obsessively studying for hours the day before my first exam, then climbing into my bunk bed only to lie awake for the entire night recited the facts I had just crammed into my head endlessly. Yes, on the whole college is not easy, but nothing is unmanageable about it because it is designed to force you to succeed. You get to choose your workload based on your strengths. You can take many classes or few classes, classes that emphasize text-book reading or hands-on classes, and in all of them the professors will go out of their way to make sure you succeed. If you have a question, ask. If you think you have nothing to contribute because your classmates seem so much more knowledgable, you are most certainly wrong. Don't be afraid to join a new club. If you do not enjoy yourself, it is easy enough to drop out, but more than likely you will make unexpected friends. Even the most confident-looking person is just as nervous as you, so do not fear.
I would tell myself to start the college selection process much sooner. I didn't start looking until the middle of my senior year and I really wish I had started a year sooner. I missed out on some great school and scholarship opportunities because of my procrastination. I would also tell myself to get a move on for my physics homework to avoid the only C that I've ever gotten in my life.
After a gruesome, challenging summer applying for colleges, I was offered the opportunity from the honorable Prince George's Community College in April. Applying for its' Legacy Life scholarship, however, I did not win but still admitted.
This college has enriched me through sophistication, anticipation, crtitical thinking, aptitude, deliberation, and responsbility. Continuing, the couses I have taken have accentuated study skills, test-taking skills, and organization. Most noteworthy for me is what I learned in Psychology. Particularly, I learned in Psychology that we tend to overevaluate the conditions on people's behavir rather than their personality. This might explain why I consider someone who did not give to a charity we passed by, because he or she does it ordinarily. Moreover, I learned about specific psychological treatments used to diagnose people's behavior. For example, in Humanistic Psychotherapy, the therapist works to develop another's self-actualiztoin, bys emphazing the importance of assuming responsibility for decisions.
Not only college, it has been valuable to attend Prince George's Community College because their education is so interpersonal, theoretical and challenging, while engrossing meaningful services as the computer labs, a tutoring and writing center, a reputable library, and informative financial aid center.
From college so far I feel as though I can reach my future goals. From the close firends and teachers I've meet helping me to stay focoused while keeping things fun. The atmostphere is calm and relaxed with no high pressure to be perfect already but rather a push to do better. I know here I will learn all kinds of skills from life to subjects in my career.
My first year at college has taught me so much, not only academically, but about myself. Before going to college I would NEVER have seen myself playing rugby, or any sport for that matter. College has been all about experiences for me and any chance I get I try to do something new. Being completely on my own for the first time in my life has made me realize that I need to depend on myself to get things done. One year has already made me so much more independent.