D’Youville College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I didn't do a lot of research on the school, and on its campus. The school is located in a downtown setting and there are three buildings that are part of the school which are all separated. In order to get from the library or the computer lab you have to leave the main lecture building. Living in Buffalo, New York, the weather can be very brutal in the winter, so it would be nice not to leave the building and stay inside throughout the day.


I would have liked to know more about the teachers and what i would have to take. I would have also liked to know more about the area I would be going to school in. Also, how easy or hard it was to get help with course work and finacial aid.


Although I do believe that student loans for education are "good" loans, it is important to realize the quality of education you are receiving and how it correlates with the tuition. Before attending college, prospective students should most certainly look into the education of their professors. You DO NOT want to be spending $20,000 a year at a college where master's students are teaching you. For that amount of money, ALL of your classes should be taught and instructed by professors with PhD's.


I wish i would have known more about the student life. Once i got to school i realized how little there really was to do on campus. It is true that there are a lot of clubs to participate in, but once the school day is over there isn't that much to do. Most students use this time to party and drink. I chose to join a sport (crew). I am very glad i did, but i still wish that there were more things to do around campus, especially since most of the practices are in the morning!


How much differnt the teachers were from high school teachers and how much of a change it would be from the workload of high school to tgeh workload of college


There are few teachers, and for some programs there are few students. What this is indicative of is that a necessary course may only be offered during one semester.


how far in debt i was going to be


i knew all i wanted to know


I do not think that there is anything I really needed to know about D'Youville that I did not know going in. I feel that the school prepared me well for transferring and beginnging a new college career here.