over-research and talk to a college counselor.
Something I did when I was choosing a college which helped me was really thinking about what I liked and disliked about my high school and using that information when looking at colleges. For example, my high school had very rigid general education requirements and I wasn't happy with that and so I looked for colleges with more flexible gen eds. In other words take the experiences you have already had in school and use them to figure out your own preferences about your future education. As for making the most of the college experience, seek people out who have things in common with you by getting involved with what you're interested in around campus, try new things, and go to campus events. Colleges bring a lot of free music, workshops, and lectures to their campuses, so take advantage of them. Finding a community to be a part of while you're in college will make all the difference. I also recomend studying abroad. My experience abroad was excellent and colleges tend to offer great opportunities to study in other countries.
Find something(s) that you enjoy both academically and socially. Enjoy yourself but also think practically. Consider your classes and activities. Think beyond the lecture, most of the best discussions occur outside of class. Don't forget to challenge your peers and yourselfs by considering opposing viewpoints. Remember that this is your time to learn and be a student. Cherish that opportunity and make the most of it for yourself. Make sure to keep yourself healthy throughout your time at college as these experiences and habits will last with you for the rest of your life.
Go with your instincts- sometimes there's something that you want, or feel that you don't know about yet, but you'll just have a feeling, a sense- an nudge of intuition- trust it!!
A college choice is to be made by the student and not one's parents. The student must be intuitive and willing to take risks in the game of college selection. If the student has the ability to sit down, pour herself onto an application as well as an interview and have no feelings of regrets, she will have succeeded in taking crucial steps in terms of both growth and independence. This clearly is not the end and therefore one must step out of the high school comfort zone of lectures and homework, and into the world of self-exploration, self-motivation, and proactivity.
It really seems to be up to the individual as to how much they get out of any school. Some schools are easier to get involved in on- or off-campus activities, but overall it is up to the individual. It is useful to look for any specific programs that you want, and if you are unsure as to what kind of career you want, or even what to study period, I strongly suggest a liberal arts college.
There are a lot of people that tal abou how crazy and wild they were back in college, but at the end of the day, you are there to learn. A great course catalogue with amazing professors that can teach you what you are interested in is far more important to you than any frat, club, or team.
Students- Wherever you end up, you have the ability to make or break your experience. Those that are the happiest are the ones that find the positives out of any situation. My parent's choose my school for me, and I resented it. Yet, if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I found my passion and my future. I loved my undergraduate experience because I made it what I wanted and did the things I loved- intensive learning, athletics, photography, and study abroad. Things don't always work out the way you want, but if you can find what makes you happy and embrace it- it won't matter. I walked away from my undergrad getting everything I ever wanted and then some- I challenge you to do the same.
Visit the school and stay the night if you can. As well as meet people there and ask as many questions as you can. Look at your future and see if you can see yourself there and happy!
Visit, stay overnight... it's what worked for me