Earlham College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Earlham College know before they start?


Visit and apply to as many schools as you can and ask as many questions as it takes to get the answers you need.


Visit every school. You won't get a good feel for a school unless you spend the night. Once at school, pursue a major that you are interested in, regardless of job possibilities after school. Do what you are passionate about.


1) Do not let your child have complete control over the choice of where to attend college. High schools seniors are entirely uncapable of making that choice, especially given the financial aspect in respect to our current economic crisis. 2) Make sure to send your child to a campus close to home. Your average college campus is a vial corrupting place. Maintain close supervision of your child is the only to make sure your child gets anything whatsoever out of college, unless you are looking to be grandparents anytime soon. 3) Accept the fact that your child will never be the same. 4) Finally, be sure that you get your child hitched to that nice little neighbor girl, if not your son your son will end up in the arms of some sad drunk girl.


Search long and hard; use all resources you have to the maximum yield that they can offer. Doing lots of research as well as following up with visits is vital. College is important, and not just to find a job. College is an experience that helps you find yourself, and your place in the world. It shapes who you are. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to really devote a lot of thought, time, and effort into finding a school that will be right for you or your child. Do not leave the decision to your high school guidance counselor, they often do not have a broad enough background or knowledge of schools that are not focused on "traditional" areas such as law and medicine. Schools with more specialized and less-common areas of interest will be entirely up to you to find. Do not give up, or settle for what others tell you is good for you. Find your own path; e-mail the admissions department, ask for more information, set up an interview, visit the school.


It is really important to see each college that you are interested in and speak with both students and professors there. Not every college is a perfect fit for every student. Asking questions is absolutely necessary when shopping for a school. Somewhere might seem like a great place from it's website or brochure, but being there and getting a feel for it is the only real way to tell if it is going to meet your needs.


the education you recieve from college depends on you more than any other factor.


Don't pay so much attention to college guides; the most important thing is VISITING where you want to attend. I almost applied Early Decision to a school I thought was perfect, until I visited it. Visit classes, visit college housing, visit students, and go with your gut instinct about how comfortable you feel.


Start your college search early and do campus visits! Ask the students on campus what they like the most and the least about their school.


Look for schools that are strongest in the area of study you are most interested in, but also give you choices to explore other areas you might not have considered and may fall in love with.


A small college is best suited to one`s needs since your social circle is likely to increase faster. Also, a college with lots of diversity, or a college which welcomes diversity helps students gain perspective for opinions that they never would have on their own. It gives life a whole new meaning and one is exposed to different views, cultures, values across the world while in at college.