As a high school senior, I would tell myself that education is essential throughout life. Education will not only benefit one professionally but personally as well. An education is full of long and short term goals that are half of the time dreams that you would have never thought about, yet if highschool is almost accomplished then that is already a big step in college's doorway. Therefore, remaining with a positive attitude and determination will help overcome any obstacles. I would also mention that eventhough there might be a screw up some where here or there in the future, that should not discourage one from pursuing a career because the persistency within our education goals should be greater. Additionally, as an experienced college student I would tell myself that there is no greater support, then that of your own because if you rely on others and those others are no longer supportive of you then your goals could be affected because you made that support a necessity. If instead you believe in yourself, then everything you dream and plan will be accomplished. To end with I would advice myself that there is no true friend but yourself.
Don't settle. Many colleges and universities are using a 'blind admission' process where they are not looking at your ability to pay as a means of admission. They are looking for quality candidates to add to their student body, and if you are what they are looking for in a student; they will help you find the funds you need to pay in the form of grants, loans and scolarships.
Many prospective students, and their families can feel quite daunted at the cost of higher education and may choose to not even apply to private schools because of the reported costs. If you don't apply, they cannot say yes, and if a particular private institution is on your "wish list" don't assume that you cannot get in or cannot afford it. Yes, it will be an investment and there will be (low-interest) loans to repay after graduation, but you will be educated in a place that you have chosen for the right reasons: teacher-to-student ratio, religious affiliation, specialty majors that may not be available at your state college., plus many more.
Go for it. It is your future!
well i would have corrected all my mistakes and put more effort into getting into a university. knowing what i know now i would have asked all the question i would have seen all the help that would be offerd i would have ignored the negative advice people were giving me and done the correct thing i should have instead of working i would have been in school . i never realized how much help i could have gotten and all the signs were there for me i was to hard headed to understand my potential , i wish i can back at times but what " doesnt break you makes you" and with that being said i more focused and determine to get an education
Thinking back I laugh seeing how scared I was of ending an old life style and starting a new one from scratch. One where everything, and I mean everything, is left completely up to you. Its understandable to see why someone would be that scared of such a change, especially when everything seemed so complicated. But now that I've gotten a feel to it I smile and think "Its a lot easier than they make it look." That would be the first thing I'd tell my past self. To calm the nerves. Then look at her with a stern look and say slowly (and possibly repeat a few times so that it would stick) "Money is very important. Learn, and practice, how to use your money wisely." But I think that the most important would be "Don't you dare give up!" because, after all, dedication is most of the battle.
Well if i can go back to the time i was a senior in high school, i would say is not hard to attend school and pay attention so you can succed inlife, to go for it i was worried mostly in how much education would cost but not to let that stop me because i can apply for grants and financial aid and hopefully that would help me pay my education, but most importantly to take a chance on college it wont hurt to give it a try.
Life is not going to get any easier from here on. It will be the ultimate test on how far you can push yourself to your full potential and what you percieve of your own self-worth. Motivation, perseverence, and consistancy will be the words that you need to go by-- this is your future; and may be the most crucial point in your journey to independence. Education is the key to liberation, to better your own life- don't ever forget that. It's not going to be about doing what you have to do, it's about doing what you want to do for a hopeful today and brighter tomorrow. You will meet people from all walks of life that may want the same thing as you , and will struggle just like you, but it's all about the experience of truly knowing what it is to fight for change. College life will be full of temptations and distractions; see beyond it, for it will be a time of self re-evalution and improvement on being not only good to yourself, but to loved ones and the community as well. Do something great for yourself, it's time.
If I was to be able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I will most definetly warn myself about the college life. The type of advice I will give myself will be to seek a counselor right away, follow an education plan, maintain a high GPA, do not focus too much in making money, it can inturrupt your education. Have a set schedule as well as organized. Do not take classes with friends who have a background of slacking off, keep those who will go with you somewhere in life and have a succesful future. Focus in school, and priotirize it, it does not benefit anyone but yourself! Have high expectations in life and anything is possible as long as you want it. College is definelty not like high school, its a choice therefore treat it wisely. Always seek for financial help as education is getting more expensive. Lastly, try and reach your highest potential and as hard as is may be do not give up! Education is literally your future.
Wow! First of all, i am 38 years old now. I always ask myself that question, but always know the answer to that. But it is unfortunate i cannot go back and change time. Only thing i can do is make it right and follow through with my dreams and goals regardless of my age now. But, i would tell myself as a high school senior to start applying for scholarships and universities to make it financially easy on myself. Then fresh out of high school i would go straight to college, university and take no breaks. If a job is offered to you make sure you were part time if possible to go to school full time. But, one thing is for sure is never take a break from school. Continue even when it gets tough. The restless nights of studying will all be worth while at the end. So have fun with friends, but remember there is a balance and school is priority
I always think about this, It's something I wish could've really happened...
I chose these steps and although I don't regret any of it, it's the time I wasted I feel is the my biggest let down.
I'd say, "Terry, boys will always be there, focus on a career, make something of yourself! The sky's the limit!
Go to the tutoring center and pass that Algebra 2 class you need to transfer straight out of High School."
Your parents came to this country in search of a better life for you and your siblings, they don't want to see you work all your life like they do. College is fun, (Trust me) you get to pick your own classes and study an array of subjects. Study as much as you can this year, it'll definitely worth it in the long run. Good luck girlfriend, you can do anything you set your mind to.
This is exactly what I would tell the high school me! I actually have a little brother in HS right now, my speech to him is remarkably similar. You live and your learn and I want him to learn!
i would tell myself to apply to many scholarship as you can so you be able to have money for books and materials that you will be needing for your classes. also try to apply to universities to see if they would accept you sp you would start at a university than in a community college.