East Los Angeles College Top Questions

What should every freshman at East Los Angeles College know before they start?


Going to college is a little longer process than to just go into a university as soon as soon as you get out of high school so try your best to get into a university but dont get me wron going to college can be a good experience, but just a little harder to transfer out.


The advice that i would give myself is to take classes as early as i can so i can get ahead. and to try find all the financial aid i can because i will need it. and finally i would tell myself not to worry ill be okay.


With the knowledge and experience that I posses today, the most important advice that I could give myself as a high school senior would deal with the emotion of fear. It was fear that kept me from challenging myself directly after graduating high school, delaying my efforts to attend college. With this fear consuming my every desire I was forced to work in dead end jobs, struggling to make ends meet in my life. Eight years after graduating high school I enrolled at East Los Angeles College. Once there I challenged those fears that held me back for so many years, and I discovered that my fears were unnecessary. I discovered that most of my fears involved challenging my potential and communicating my ideas within a college classroom setting. After confronting these challenges, I discovered the extent of my intellect and capabilities, earning outstanding grades and awards for my performance. Not only did I realize my true potential, but I also found a new direction in life. Now I am working on my long term goal to become a productive member of society as a clinical psychologist, a stark contrast to the frightened high school senior I used to be.


I would tell my younger self to set a goal for himself and know which direction to take towards that goal.


The advice i would give myself is: 1) Save your money, you're going to need it 2) Choose the right major for you 3) Go to class, it's important 4) Read the books you buy 5) Rent the books/look for deals 6) Take a lot of classes, don't get stuck at a junior college 7) Be polite, use your manners 8) Keep in touch with your friends from high school 9) Register to classes early, get a schedule that works best 10) Live life, you only have one


the only thing i would change about my senior year would be taking classes more series. Put in more effert into my studys like i do today. forcusing more on classes and sports more than girls. studying not only in what's in school, but what was to await me after graducation.


I would tell myself to get some college experience doing AP courses and taking more college classes in community colleges. It helps with the transferring requirements to a University because I would have taken courses I do not care much on taking now with all the classes I actually need.


The transition from high school to college is a daunting task. The responibilities that are now placed upon your shoulders, as scary as it sounds, is not that bad and is an easy transiton. Sometimes, people can make the transition sound worse than the true reality. The best thing to do, for the first semester, is to take a Counseling Class. A Counseling Class will assist you so you won't feel overwhelmed, as I was my first semester. In the Counseling Class, you are given tips on getting around the campus to allow time to walk from class to class, doing homework in a timely matter, and the ablility to pick classes that fit your schedule. But, the number one thing to keep in mind is that you will succeed. Do not listen to negative people who will tell you that the transition from high school to college is hard and that you might not succeed. In reality, you are going to succed and will prove to yourself and to others that it can be accomplished. The challenge of college is well worth the education you will learn to make this world a better place for everyone.