East Texas Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at East Texas Baptist University know before they start?


I would go back and teach myself the truth about Christs sacrifice and how that relates to the forgiving of my sins. I would explain the transformation that would soon take place and encourage myself to pray for my future husband. I would go back and ask my Christian friends about Christ and what the difference is between the mormon faith and the Christian faith. If I had the oppurtunity to go back I would try to relate all of this so that my quality of life and love would be that of a daughter of God. Now education means so much more than ever before and aside from my religious transformation, I would explain how important school is and how my grades relate to my gpa and what that means in the long run for my education. I would DEFINATELY explain to myself the utmost importance to make new friends that had good influences on me, change the music I listened to and tv I watched, and most of all I would buy a newer translation of the Bible and read it in plain english instead of having to sort it out in the King James Version.


The advice I would give myself if I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, would have to be, find out everything you know about scholarships, grants, and financial aid for school,


The advice I would give my self would revole around applying for more scholarships, applying for FAFSA earlier, and studying more for my SAT.


Daniel, don"t be an idiot when you get to school. Go to class. Do your work. Be social but set aside enough time to study effectively. You're going to love college and the friends you make there. They will be your friends for the rest of life and you will miss them when you must part ways. Seek out those friends who have the same values as you do, faith, family, serving and encouragement. Always, always keep your eyes focused on Jesus Christ, the sole purpose you're on this earth. Do all things to bring Him glory and if you think you might be making the wrong decision, you are. Turn away and don't do it. Finally, I leave you with the expression that mom has always loved to say. It's an expression that I forgot about for 3 semesters, but one that God brought back to mind: "Remember WHO you are and WHOS you are."


I would tell myself to do way more research into scholarships, grants, loans etc. while picking a major/minor in any college. Do your best in all of your classes to keep a great GPA and to take your SAT/ACT seriously and to be prepared for all of the financial problems you will run into.


Just relax. Be yourself. Have fun. Stay commited. Stay inspired. Do your best not to stress about the little things everyone has to worry a little bit about things they needs to do so they dont forget aobut them but dont over do it. Remember where you came from and the drive that you have always had and stay with it dont let anything stop you.


Assuming I could go back in time to my senior year in high school, I would advise myself to get a better job to help with housing payments. I would also advise myself that college is not a "walk in the park" so to speak. You have to stay focused at all times. Times are hard and money is tight, but I believe that an individual can attend any college of their choosing. Be more determined going in, and be able to brag about your results coming out. I would tell myself there will be good days and bad days, but if you make it through that 24 hours you'll get to prepare even more for the next day. There will be times you'll want to give up, but don't give into that temptation. It's not easy being a college student, nor is it suppose to be. You have to work for what you want because no one is going to hand it to you. The most important advice I would give myself is to stick it out, never give up, reach your goals, and in the end you'll be successful.


Dear younger me, You are extremely smart by saving money for college, but honey you need to save some more!!! College is going to be a lot different than anything you have come across so far. BE PREPARED TO WORK. Work acadmically and athletically. You think high school is tought, just wait. College will be draining at times, but it will also bring some of the best memories of your life!! Don't take any of them for granted!! Don't forget....start saving that money. You will be glad you did! Yours truly, Older you!


I would tell myself to smile, love, and work hard. College is a huge transition, but if you learn to smile then you will make friends and you won't be alone. If you learn to love those around you, you will find that life can be more fulfilling when you have a greater purpose. Finally, college is not about staying up late and hanging out with friends! Work hard because you are paying a lot of money to learn!


After making the first major mistake of my life I would go back to high school and talk myself out of going to the University of Texas at San Antonio. I would also tell myself to follow my heart and not my brain. I thought by going to UTSA on a full ride scholarship in Air Force ROTC I would be set later on in life. After the first semester of college there I found out that I was wrong in my decision, and that I had not done what God had called me to do originally. So after finding out that the Air Force was probably going to revoke my scholarship anyway I listened to God's calling. I completed the fall semester and took the spring semester off. During this time I prayed and listened to God. After much prayer and careful listening God was leading me to ETBU to play football and become a history teach and coach, like I had originally planned, and now that is what I'm doing. That is what I would tell myself if I could return to high school because that is where I found true happiness.