East Texas Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at East Texas Baptist University know before they start?


The advice that I would give is this, don't get discouraged. It will be different and difficult at first but it will be a life changing experience that you will not regreat. Learn to develop good study habits before you begin college because there is a lot of work. Also, you need to have good time management skills.


First thing you need to know is don't slack off. A lot of people say it and it is true. If you slack off in college, you will get behind and possibly fail the class, which is not something you want to happen. So, work on completing assignments before they are due and talking to teachers if you need help. From somebody who started running start, I want to say it was really worth it. I got my associate's degree when I graduated high school. I saved a lot of money and was able to stay close to home for the first two years of my college life. After community college, I am transferring to a university where I will get my bachelor's degree. If you choose not to go that path, I would definitely get everything ready before hand. This means, collect all the information, all the brochures, anything you will need for the application process. This way, you have everything you need so when you sit down you can fill out everything and know when it is due without sweating, or stressing last minute.


As years go along, you start to find yourself. You start to realize that if you’re not on the right path that you need to find God and let him guide you to the right path. You notice that everyone you think is your friend is not and you see who the people in. Only if I was more mature and responsible in high school I would have been a much better person than I am now. Because I was irresponsible, I made my senior year harder than it should have been. Procrastination and bad time management hurt me bad. Sometimes waiting until the last minute to do my work wasn’t good enough and it would be too late most of the time. Now that I’m my own man and making better decisions for myself, I feel so much better. In the back of my mind I know I’m doing the right thing and before I always knew it was wrong but I still followed. I’ve realized that if you thank him how you should and appreciate everything he has given you then it would make your days go by much smoother.


God has blessed me at ETBU! Blessed in my dorm room, roommate, wonderful friends of all different cultural backgrounds, learning to better communicate cross-culturally and other languages, ministry opportunities to others and myself, encourgement, my classes and professors, being stretched in learning, rides from others, finding a church to plug into, and a work study job at the campus library. My first semester I was on the dance team; I got exercise and was able to develop great friendships! I performed and gave support at home football games. I am not on the dance team now, but I feel that God is preparing me for what He has for me. I am now a leader of the prayer ministry in our Baptist Student Ministry on campus. I'm excited, God is moving not only in my life and the lives others all around campus, but in the lives of the community. I am also a senator of the Student Government Association. Being a voice for my fellow students, to improve campus life. I have such a big heart for people, and God has given me more opportunities to share love with others at ETBU than I ever imagined.


"You teach best what you most need to learn."- Richard David Bach. I have recieved so much from my fist semester of college. I have learned that in college you need to study more that you do in high school. An example of this would be in my hardset class I did not study for one of the tests and I had such a hard time on that test. I have also learned to manage my time so that way im not having fun all day when I need to be doing homework. You also learn how to be on your own. An example of this is you do not live with your family any more, and you can't always depend on them to tell you what to do and when to do it. School is what you make of it. If all you want to do in college is party that is your choice. To me that is alot to pay just to party., but if want to learn then that is worht the money to me.


I know of a song that says that high school never ends. This song has a lot of meaning to me who is only half way through my first semester at college. Being from a poor white family with no trackable ethnic inheritance for many generations (my family came on the Mayflower!), it is hard to find scholarships that are compatible with my needs. It is just like high school all over again. The rich kids come to school in their fancy cars, wearing all brand name clothes while I stand alone is a sea of others just like me that are dull and don't shine at all. It isn't for lack of trying. I wanted to wear pretty clothes and be a teacher's pet, but with a disabled father and a mother who is unsure of what to major in, I was always in a tight spot for money which was a constant stress. College is just the same, or maybe even worse. You are lost in a new world with new rules, but unlike the rich kids, you don't have parents paying for you. A lesson for the poor in college: Find a mentor!


my college experience thas been totally what i expected because i chose a school that was compatable with wth i believed. They are really supportive and preparing me for standing o my on two feet and developing my mind and spirit for my profession. i cnose to marry to live the kinds of life that i felt was right under Gods Laws. The Professors understood and supported our decisions.


I have really learned how to study and achieve on my own. My professors were amazing and very dedicated to each student. The class sizes were small, which I really enjoyed. There were lots of opportunites to get involved with social life on campus, something was always going on. I really learned how to maintain my social life and school work but allowing myself to be incharge of my decisions instead of my parents. This campus is not in a big city, which helps to maintain focus in school and get more involved on campus.


College pesonifies the transformation that a person experiences as they change from an ignorant, arrogant teenager to a more knowledgeable, understanding adult. During these four years, I was challenged and pushed to think and to work harder without anyone else pushing me to succeed. I was on my own. I had to take ownership for my actions and my education, and this universal, invaluable experience of college is what I cherish the most as I move towards the next phase of my life. Now, parts of my ignorant, arrogant self still surive, but they are no longer allowed to roam freely during my daily interactions. Instead, I had to face ideas that challenged me and that filled the holes of my knowledge, which were originally created by my arrogance and ignorance.


Know exactly what you want in a University. When you step on the campus and you fall in love with it, you will know that this is the one! Do not let anyone influence your decision on what University is best for you; you are the one that will be going there for the next 4 years. As you transition from a high school student to a college student: get to know everyone and share a smile with everyone you come in contact with. Get involved, stay involved and influence everyone around you to do the same. Be proud of who you are and what you have to offer to your University and to your friends that you make along the way. Take pride in your work and do not be afraid or ashamed to ask for help from your peers or your professors. Be ready to study harder than you ever have before but know that when you are done, it was all worth it. Prepare yourself to miss your family terribly but know that you have a great foundation that got you where you are today and always remember that they are your greatest support during this adventure.