Eastern Florida State College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Florida State College know before they start?


Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition from high school, I would tell my high school self some steps and rules to follow by to ensure improvement of my grades. Back in Driver's Education, I would tell myself to pay attention more during the teacher's lectures, and to study from the take home book every night. I would tell myself not to spend my nights watching television and staying on the phone for hours and hours with friends and boys. I would tell myself to rather open up those textbooks laying on my floor, review my notes from that day, and make sure that all my homework was completed to the highest degree that I could possibly do, before I turned on the TV or hung out with my friends. Knowing now that school is not all about making friends and trendsetting outfits, I would tell myself what school really was about. It's about getting an education, actually learning valuable information that one can use in the real world, and setting oneself up for an excellent career in the near future. This is what I wish I could have told myself then.


There are things that you, as a senior in high school, will never get told, but wish someone had told you. The first thing you need to know is that you need to go online, to "ratemyprofessors.com" and literally pick your teachers based on the information that is provided. The better the teacher matches your expectations, the more you will learn. Secondly, choose your schedule in ways that you're not overwhelming yourself. For example, it might not be wise to schedule only your required courses, because many of those are golden rule classes, meaning that there is a set writing requirement that induces time management skills. Additionally, even required courses have options, such as taking biology or chemistry, so take at least two electives; taking electives gets you closer to discovering your interests and working towards your major. Finally, just because you have a scholarship does not mean that you should not seek financial aid from other sources. Don't get excited that college is covered now-think about your future. Make sure that the reason that you do not know what to do is not because of bad financial planning earlier, but that you have options.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not quit my job to save as much money as I can, and to have the paperwork needed to apply for college on hand. I quit my job because at the end of my senior year, I was focusing on graduating and would have had to request too many days off to warrant having a job. I should have taken a leave of absence for the two months I needed off and not have to start anew at the same job I worked at when I was at high school. Also, I should have had all the paper work needed to enter college on hand. Having all the documents when I applied to Brevard Community College the summer after I graduated would have saved the time to dig out the information needed like my SAT scores and my diploma. Also it would have saved me the numerous trips I made to submit my information.


If I was somehow able to acheive time travel and decided to talk to myself when I was a senior in high school, the message I would deliver would be, "Start early." I do not regret most of what I have done and, frankly, I am quite proud of myself. The only thing I have slacked on has been trying to attain grants and scholarships, because for a little while I was relying on my Florida Medallion Scholarship. I did dual-enrollment as a senior, so I would be sure to reassure myself that it was for the best. I would tell myself to look into doing Biology prerequisites early, so I would not have to be worrying about them later on. Although, I would focus on informing myself of the many programs that are out there for students like myself, and how if I put in even a bit of effort, I could be very surprised.


If I could give any advice to myself as a high school senior it would be this: Do not wait to go to school, go just after school ane get your education. I know you think you will have forever to get this done, but trust me you do not stay 17 forever. College is challenging, but trust me when I tell you, you can do this. Stayfocused on what is important and you will have the rest of your life to do all the things you think are important right now.


Dear Sweet Melissa, Do not run away. College will take some extra effort but hang in there. Find some classes that you will enjoy and stick with them. If you leave college you will fall down a dark path that leads to drugs, pain and confusion. No boy is worth what you will go through if you leave. Your parents love you. I love you. If you choose to leave now you will only find out how hard college can be, financially and mentally in the future. Being uncomfortable in a classroom is normal. People are not judging you. Find a way to get comfortable and relax. You fit in. Please stay focused and remember that you are loved and that you are very smart. College is very important to you and in the future you work very hard to prove this to yourself and to your family. No one can take your education from you. It will always be yours. I encourage you to keep learing for your days to come until you take your last breath. Being teachable is something you value. Enjoy your college days, I know I am! With much love, peace and respect, Missy Aikins


Keep up the good work. Try to do dual enrollment because you can get ahead in your education. Don't focus on boys because they lead you into trouble. work a part time job because college doesn't come cheap. also becareful who you trust and the desicions that you make. think about them wisely because that can determind where your next road take you in life. Can't Change what has already happened but if I could go back these are the things I would tell myself.


go straight to UCF and get a dorm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would tell myself to take some time and really think about what I would like to do with my career. Don't be in a hurry to get out of school and waste time on a degree that doesn't mean anything. Find a passion and set a goal to become the very best at that passion whatever it is. I would also tell myself to make sure to set up for sucess. Make sure that the classes and class times take precidence over a part time job schedule. Part time jos are always available but you don't want to risk wasting time for your education and failing classes because you are trying to burn the candle at both ends.


given the fact of how hard i work on a regular basis, id tell myself to stay on track and keep up the good work. also to go ahead and start dual enrolment so i could get an earlier jump start on things, and not to date, because it would be a distraction to my educational enviroment