Eastern Michigan University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I feel our school is best known for our terrible football team and our Education program


Eastern Michigan University is best known for Education. I feel like our school puts education first, but at the same time lets you be able to do multiple extracurricular activities and still get your schoolwork done.


Eastern Michigan University is best known for its Education program and Historic Preservation program. The Historic Preservation program is also one of the best in the country. It also has a very well organized Fine Art Department, which I am currently in.


I don't know what the school is best known for but what I like the best about the school is there is plenty of help around campus with your work. The classrooms are not to big with like 300 people in the room so if you need some one on one time with the teacher they have certain hours set in a day to help students plus there are plenty of study halls around so students can study with students it's helps to be able to take information from class and talk about it to your classmates


Eastern Michigan University is known for their College of Business. Eastern was voted one of the best business schools in the state for over 20 years.


Being one of the best teaching schools in the country!


Eastern Michigan University is best known for teaching.


i dont really know what EMU is known for.


My school is known for their great Education program.


It is known as an education school. Eastern Michigan offers one of the best education programs in the country.