Eastern Nazarene College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Nazarene College know before they start?


To my future self, Hey! I am your present self! Here is some advice for you! Kayla, when times get tough do not give up or think you cannot make it. Push forward and look fear, defeat, even failure in the face and tell it no. In the end, you are going to be so happy you did. Another piece of advice: do not be afraid to put yourself out there. Join clubs. Talk to that cute boy. Answer that question you know the answer for in that chemistry class. DO IT! Because why not right? My last piece of advice would be to old on to your faith. You will know what I mean by this when the time comes. Have fun and continue to be that warrior, Your present self


If I was to go back in time to my senior year I would tell myself to study and take the SATs more seriously. I would also work harder in my academics so that I may be able to get more scholarships for college.


Look for more scholarships


“If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds.” This quote by Jesse Jackson is what I would prefer to tell myself as a high school senior. This quote relates to my college life on campus. As a college student, I have come across many situations involving positive and negative impacts. First, I would advise myself to use great skill and knowledge to organization. Secondly, a time management schedule would be a key factor for success. I would recommend myself to also be aware of the price of the college and how much financial aid it offers. My main guidance would be informing myself of the procrastinating dangers I must be aware of. Procrastination is a conflict that can affect the outcome of your grades and focus in college. The transition is tough, however simple to overcome if you are consistent with your work and involved on campus as well. Sometimes we are unaware of the surrounding among us. As a student, I hassle myself that I was there for a reason. I would assure myself to not give up and focus on the goals that I attended college for.


Dear Juanita, college is going to be awesome, everyday you'll have opportunties to make new friends, grow closer to God, and develop your passions. Take advantage of all of it. And I know you're worried about making friends and fitting in, don't yeah it won't come easily or quickly, but it will come. And some of those people will drop out of your social life or transfer and that's okay too. And about academics always do your personal best. Don't compare yourself to others are put in only half the work, always do the best you could do and you'll always be proud no matter what grade you get. Don't be afraid to try something new whether it's date that guy you're not sure of (turns out he's pretty awesome), try out for the musical, or take on a new job. Remember each day you make decisions that shape your life. Do you want to remember college for creating relationships, excelling socially and academically or do you want to remember that's when you got to the highest level in Pokemon? It's your choice. Love, Your future self


Work hard in the classroom and do all of the assignments. Have fun and socialize. Get involved with the student body and the community. Ask around about certain classes some of the text books aren't actually needed for the course. Also make sure you choose your classes don't just depend on your advisor to do it for you. Work hard but also make time to have fun.


After being homeschooled, having a full schedule of college classes can be a challenge but it’s not impossible. If you find something not interesting then look for motivation, set a goal, tell yourself “once I get this done I can go do that”, trust me having the work done and turned in on time is a great and rewarding feeling. Don’t worry about making new friends, just be yourself and eventually you will find true friends who love you for who you are. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, if you’re stressed out about something or there’s a challenge in your life the best way to overcome it is to ask someone for help. And don’t forget “you never know what you can do until you try” (author unknown). It’s never too late to do your best, even if you’ve made mistakes in the past that’s just how we learn. I know that you can do great now it’s time for you to believe that too.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to save more money for college and an apartment. I would tell myself that I did not need that extra pair of jeans and I did not need to eat out as much, I would need the money in the long run because Im not going to be eligible for finanacial aid because my parents "make too much money" despite the thousands of dollars in medical bills they have and are unable to help me with college or rent. Lastly I would tell myself to make sure I studied better in Organic Chemistry because when you get behind you stay behind and that "C" really affects your GPA.


If i could go back in time, I would do even better in school so that I could receive more financial aid and scholarships so that I wouldn't have to take out loans so that I could pay for my school supplies like books. I also would be able to pay for room and board so tnat I wouldn't have to commute because it takes two hours to get to school and it costs about 300 dollars a month just for transportation alone. I also would make more friends and stablish more long life friendships that would go way beyond high school. You never know when you could need a friend so its always vital to have close friends for closure, advice and guidance.


There are two main pieces of advice I would give myself. The first is that the amount of fun and happiness you get out of your college experience is dependent on how much effort you put into it. It's one of those ideas that you know going in, but you don't really understand it until you've made the mistake of being too shy. I definitely missed out on oppurtunities because I was afraid of putting myself out there. It's scary and it involves making yourself vulnerable, but the payoff is worth it more than you know. The second thing I'd tell myself is that when you get to college, you immediately make a lot of friends. Not all of them will stick around, and you can't try to hold on to all of them. Trying to please everyone is exausting and fruitless. It's not anyone's fault, some personalities just don't go together. Instead of focusing on who you've lost, pay attention to who you've still got. The people who are really worth it are the ones who are happy to see you when you walk in the room.