Eastern Nazarene College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Nazarene College know before they start?


I was in OPT so thought that i will get time for myself to train on my paticular subject. It has been valuable to attend the college because an education is only the thing in this planet that can bring a change on you, nation and the planet as one will be educated and acts professionally on everything the persond do on their lives.


I have learned that picking a college to attend is very important and should be done diligently. I am very disapointed with the school I decided on and I wish I had been smarter about the whole process. On the upside, I learned a lot about how to make my own fun and how to get around a city.


College has really helped me grow into myself. I've set down roots, met people that I'll know for the rest of my life, and gotten a valuable education out of the process. I fully expect to get a great, fun, and exciting job when I get out. ENC helped me find my place in life and I love it. I wouldn't change anything I have learned here.


My family has struggled over the years and my mother was the only college graduate in the family. I saw first hand how hard it was for my family, and I decided that in order to better myself, and my family, it would be in my best interest to attend college. Since doing so, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge that ranges from how to handle myself in an interview, how to balance checkbooks, manage time and money, and be punctual for meetings, among other things. These skills have helped me better myself already, and I am sure that I will continue to gain more knowledge and helpful points over the remaining years of college. I want to further my education, because it's important to me to be able to go far in life, and help out myself as well as my family.


I received a lot out of my college experience. Professors and staff take timing seriously. The function of the classes behave similarly to work environment. This will reflect my career in my future and the way I will handle my situations and meet required demands in the world. Eastern Nazarene College opened my eyes to the diversity in opinions, and positive attitude towards pursuing a career and working. I grew up with a mentality that believed in working. By the time I reached Eastern Nazarene, I realized that my beliefs to pursue work meant something. I socialized more often with my faculty, and senior classmates and held a higher amount of respect for their warm welcome. I understood how students lived their life accordingly, to school and to work. In that moment, I felt more connected to my family than ever. Students can engage in serious discussions and enjoy even smaller-related hobby discussions and turn it into a table discussion that will just go on. I also learned that students and professors won't go out of their way to humiliate one another. Flexibility and dependence on trust gave me something to think about


I am currently returning to college (after starting a family), with my Associates degree, to complete a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management. The rewards I have gotten from my college experience(s) have been many. I am currently in a class setting with all adults who have a full time job and families to support. Not only will I get or have gotten knowledge and experience from my prior classes, but I am about to embark on another two years of knowledge and experience from a group of peers who have been where I may have not ventured. This is valuable to me as it is giving me first hand information that I will be able to apply to my future career.


I have became friends with a lot of great people my first year of college. Many of them were different from what i was normally used to but it was nice to be apart of that change. Its like i've met a new family at ENC. I loved my first year, now just hoping i have enough money to have a second year. thanx people


If I could go back to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to practice piano more because Doctor Millican is going to rip your piano playing apart. I would suggest taking scholarships a little more seriously and listening to my parents advice about it, as much as I don't want to listen. I would have suggested studying a little harder for the ACTs but don't sweat it too much. I would recommend not stressing over leaving my boyfriend and valuing him for all he's worth. I would warn myself about the guy who was going to come along to mess with my life and cause me to break-up with my boyfriend. If I could go back, I would tell myself to study a little harder in calculus. I would tell myself to get it together with God and make sure I had a stable relationship with Him. I would suggest really digging into prayer a week or so before moving in so that I could arrive on campus filled with the Holy Spirit. I would tell myself to stand by what I think is right and fully trust my instincts.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, this is the advice I would give myself. "Kevin, these next few years will be a struggle. You will lose things, but you will gain so much more. Hang in there, because the bumpy ride will help you grow spiritually, relationally, and communally. When times get tough, keep your head up.? I would not tell myself anything specific or tell myself to avoid any situation. I have gone through a hard break up, my father?s loss of our house, and a lot of financial struggles. However, these events are shaping me into a stronger person. I was once asked a question much like this one about what I would change in my life. I have no regrets so I couldn?t answer. Every event has made me who I am today, and anything I take out or add to my past would change me into a person I may not like to be. This is why my advice to myself is not a warning, but an encouragement to myself that my struggles are not in vain.


You might think that college is a waste of time. It may seem as if you can't afford the tuition because your family can barely afford rent. Don't worry so much about the money because your education is a great investment. You were smart enough to not be lured into alcohol, weed and gangs unlike your other classmates. You are smart to know when a good investment is worth the risk. Sure, it's going to be hard and sometimes you may feel as if you're unsure about the decision you made. But let me mae one thing clear, you do not want the life you grew up in for your children someday. Your family deserves better and you are a ray of hope. Use this to motivate yourself to give it your all because you deserve better. It's about time that you "step up" and be the man that your family needs. You are not your father's mistakes. You are going to succeed after college because of your intellect, personality and compassion. You are an inspiration to so many people at ENC and at home. You're not a failure, ever.