Eastern Nazarene College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Nazarene College know before they start?


I would say that money should not be an object that blocks or limits an education. I come from a farming community and so funds are always tight, but I still pay the full bill (with scholarship help) every year because it is worth it. Don't let price guide you to a college, let your academic capabilities and drive to choose the college of interest. Also make sure you like the school, that is very important.


1- Make sure that you take the time to visit a college!!! Actually seeing a campus in person, talking to staff and students, and even eating in the cafe will give you a point of view that you can't get any other way. 2- Take chances with your applications. Apply to a dream school, a safe school, and a few in between. If can't hurt. 3- Time management is key. Find at least an hour once a week to keep to yourself. De-stress, rewind and take a break, it will help you stay sane and face all the challenges in front of you. 4- Study abroad!! It is THE most amazing experience and will change and shape your life. Globalization has brought the world to your fingertips, so take advantage of it. 5- Get invovled! Find a club, organization, or sport that you enjoy and stick with it. This will hep you to not only make friends, but a way to express yourself. 6-Physical activity is a must! Find some way to keep your freshmen 15 at bay. 7-Be careful what you post online, it can and will come back to haunt you.


The transition from high school to college can be as challenging for parents as it is for their college-bound children. Remember that your child is probably torn between sadness about leaving home and excitement about the adventures ahead. Give yourself time to adjust to daily life without your college-aged child. You may grieve for a time or have a sense of time passing too quickly (or slowly). In time, both you and your child will adjust to her being at college--just in time for your child to return for the holidays! For students, 1)You won't always be friends with the people you went to high school with, people change. 2) Go to class, no matter how boring. 3) Become friends with your professors, it helps when you have a problem. 4) Make friends in your classes, so you always have someone to copy notes from if you decide to sleep in and miss class. 5) Get your studying and school work done during the week, and then you can go to the events you were looking forward to on the weekend without feeling guilty. Finally, and most importantly, 6) Never give up on your dreams!


For parents or students this is a great school, it is very easy to make friends and its alot of fun.


Find a school that have the same beliefs as you. if you dont' like what the school belives...DON'T GO


The best advice i could give to a prospective student looking for the "right fit", in finding the right college, is to not settle and make sure you are happy with your decision. I went to Brigham Young University first and it was beautiful, it was very scenic, woke up every day to snow capped mountains right outside my window. However the size was to great, 33,000 people and over 50 buildings. When i transferred to ENC it was about 1/10 of the size, a little bit to small, but a very tight community of students. When you pick a college you have to make sure it has everything you want. Credible professors (experienced in the field), the majors that you want to study (business, pre-med, criminal justice), extracurricular activities, sports both varsity and intramural. Make sure that the campus is modern, nice dorms that you wont mind living in for 4 years. Good food makes the difference. Genuine people that are like yourself, i would suggest a suburban campus where the party can go off campus so it wont interfere with studies. Make sure you get everything out of your institution. Carpe Diem "Seize the Day"


Don't let stereotypes dictate what kind of school you choose. Go some place you are drawn to and where you feel comfortable. Make a list of qualities you'd like in a given school and go for it.


Don't choose a college based on how much money it costs, sometimes it is worth adding that extra amount for the school that will meet the needs of the students. I attend a private college and it is expensive but it has given be more life experince then I could ask for. Don't be shy college is a chance to make friends that will last a life time.


VISIT. Its the least you can do for yourself/ your child. Also, ask the students about the college. They will give the brutal truth about every little detail. Lasty, when you get to college make the most of your experience! Join things, don't let fear hold you back. You will make so many friends through activities and events, and you learn alot about yourself along the way. After all, that's what college is all about.