Eastern Nazarene College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Nazarene College know before they start?


Choosing a college is a major decision for anyone. It can be further complicated when you aren't exactly sure what career or professsion you want to pursue. It is extremely important to do some research but I found that the best way to get a feel for the college or university is to actually visit and to get feedback from current and past students if that is possible. If you can visit while classes are in session that helps. It is also important to consider the financial aspect of the college you are attending. The cost is always increasing and it can be discouraging if you don't have the means and are always worrying about finances. Start early to look for scholarships and financing. Work hard in high school to get good grades to help in your search for colleges and financial help. Whichever college you choose, you should approach the experience with a positive attitude and be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and accept the challenge. It can be the best years of your life.


Make sure you look into the college. Know it inside and out. Ask deep questions and visit multiple times.


When deciding on which college is right for you, I would suggest that you as a prospective student, need to decide what values you hold as an individual. You will want to attend a school that adheres to your lifestyle as well. Otherwise, once at school, you will be left feeling very aloneand uncomfortable. To make the most of your college experience, remember that this is simply four years. Never again wil you be able to live tese experiences. You will have amemorable time, but also remember that is also life. Bad things will happen in college. Guard your heart and your mind daily.


take your time, your college experience should be enjoyed yet taken seriously. you do not want to be stuck at a school that is going to make you miserbale, and doesn't give you the eduaction your paying for. go were you best fit in, don't go to a school for its reputation, or because your parents went there. research your school, make sure you like the school setting, the neighborhood, the city life, make sure they have extracircular activities you might want to take interest in.


talk to current students on the campus visit about how much they enjoy it/don't enjoy it and the reasons why


Don't believe everything that you hear from the admissions department. They will tell you anything to get you to come to a college. If you want to know what the school is really like, ask students who look busy. Take your time in picking a school because it is important to be happy with your decision or else it will have an impact on your entire academic performance. Remember that although you should be involved with activities at your school, you are paying for your education so make sure you choose your school based off of the education, not the extra activities. Don't be afraid to take chances and do things that you normally wouldn't do, you wont regret it and you may find that it it something that you love to do.


Make sure you know what you want to do before you bother to go to this school. The financial aspects of going to a college like ENC are insane compared to what you get out of it.


make sure you can find your place in the school, and make sure you are happy there, take your work seriously and let the social aspect fall in line and dont put it above your academics.


The most advice that I can give to both parents and students is to start early in high school by figuring out where financially the family can afford, the best location for the student, the colleges within that radius, and any other information that would determine what the student would want in a college. Also I suggest that the student starts very early with scholarship applications and is not stressed about finances during college. Also, make sure to find the place that the student would best fit. The last piece of information that I would like to give is that don't worry if all of the first option falls through, God will provide the best options. I applied to a school I hardly knew and I absolutely love it! It is a lot of work getting there but once in College it will feel great!


Make your own decisions. Don't let your parents or teachers pressure you into anything. Chase down answers to questions that you have.