This is by far the best college I have ever attended, due to they are very friendly and the staff are 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} committed to their students and only want the best for them. I have never been to a college that wants to see their students successed and do what ever they can to make sure that they leave with a good degree.
The best thing about Easter Oregon University is the vast program choices that they have to offer and the many ways you can attain them. Either by attending them on campus, online or distance education. They are all great and the staff is great.
The smaller class sizes allow a lot of interaction with professors that really comes in handy when you are doing research and science courses.
The best thing about EOU is the friendliness and willingness of the professors to provide additional help to students. I love the size of the campus and the classes I have taken so far are amazing.
They offer a wide variety of degrees along with the opportunity to do so online. This has helped me to not only get out of community college and into a university, bu also, it has helped me figure out what I am wanting to go for a degree in without all of the hassel you would recieved while on campus.
Eastern Oregon University offers a great on-line program for the committed learner. The degrees offered are varied and provided at an affordable price. I would highly recommend them to anyone interested in a quality education. They also have satellite offices on many campuses across Oregon, which provides local assistance.
The best thing about my school is that we are so diverse. We have students from all over the world, of different religions, and different sexual orientations. All of this has helped every student to really open their eyes to the world. I love how the students and professors here are all very accepting of every student, no matter their differences. I have learned so much about myself as a person from interacting with our multicultural student body!
It is affordable and offers a wide range of classes.
The friendly atmosphere and the availablity of the professors to help you succeed. Classes are interesting and engaging and you learn lots of new material, and you are encouraged to learn about subjects outside of class. The professors are easy to get a hold of and ask questions and want you to learn and suceed. Many of the professors have a teaching assistant .
Eastern Oregon University is located in the middle of a caring and student involved community. From one side of the valley to the other there are families, buisinesses and faculty that are willing to make your experience and future the best that it can be. With great people, the campus also comes with a beautiful interactive surrounding area that offers great exploration beyond the classroom and on the weekends for recreational activities in mother nature's beautiful natural environment. Overall it is the people and the environment here that make Eastern Oregon University one outstanding and special school.
I'm a distance education student who is familiar with the area around EOU. To me, the best thing about the school is the distance education program. Some schools out there make it pretty hard to do distance education. EOU, however, works fairly hard to make distance education work. Contrary to popular opinion, it's not easier to take distance classes as sometimes I think the student ends up with more homework than if they sat in a class. But, still, EOU does a great job at it - even setting up local "go to" weekend classes in my area.