Eastern University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


One thing I wish I had known before I came to the school is the 'personality' of the different dorms. When filling out housing information I did not have a preference for what dorm I would be placed in. I am in the newest dorm, which is nice, however some the other dorms have better community.


How to organize my time better. How much walking I'd be doing. How to buy books used online. The SAT really isnt as important as everyone seems to think. Don't put things off until the last minute.


That it didn't have a football team


I wish that I had been advised by my high school counselor on how to apply for scholarships. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming. You also aren't aware which websites to trust.


How much I would be in debt after I graduated.


I wish that I knew that you cannot live off campus unless you live at home.


I wish I had known more about the theology of the school before I came (it may have influenced my decision). I also wish I knew how expensive the area would be around the university.


I was always an organized person, but in college it's even more important to stay on top of things. You're an adult now, and the bar is set a little higher. Lay out assignment due dates on a monthly calendar and fill in what you will do on each day and stick to it, so that your assignments get done on time with less stress.