In my opinion the math department is the worst part about my school. The reason why is because the teachers at the basic to pre-calculus classes are tought by graduate students who have rarely ever tought a class before. Another reason why is because when a person goes to get help from the tutor lab, the tutors do not explain or show how to do some problems right. I know this not just by experiance but also by fellow classmates from several stages of math.
The worst part about our school is the math department! It is absolutely horrible, there are only a handful teachers in the department who are actually willing to help you.
The limited number of programs offered.
It is honestly hard to point out the worst thing about Eastern Washington University (EWU). Since I have been attending EWU, I have only noticed all of the excellent services EWU provides. I cannot blame EWU for any of the hickups that have occured since I have been attending the school, because any of the hickups I faced regarding EWU could have been avoided if I put forth a better effort to resolve issues. What I mean by "hickups" are issues or problems that set me back any of the time.
I think the worst thing about this school is the lack of computers. Not everyone owns a computer and it's hard to get on them most the time. Pluse you have to pay to print which gets expensive. I don't own a computer so it makes printing and typing difficult. I think printing should be free or cheeper.
Our math department is lacking a lot!
I didn' t feel like the school tried very hard to build a quality name for itself. Their admissions standards didn't seem that high, thus not giving them a very prestigious feel compared to the other schools in the state.
During winter time, it snows alot and very very cold. I grew up in not very cold place, so during my first year it was too cold for me. Other than that, i can't really think of other worst thing about our school.
Our politcal races a re almost pointless. Every year when we elect our student staff of positions they always end up being the same people. Every year and every position a Frat or sorority member wins. It seems only frat and sorority members vote or even run because ev eryone knows what will happen regardless
Some of the teachers and classes. Some classes are only offered one time a year and the teachers don't let anyone on the waitlist in. So you are a year behind in school.