To find the right college you would need to do a lot of research about that college. You would want to see if that college have the right field of study that you're interest in studying. You would want to see if they have the right cirriculums. Besides all of that you would want to see if the shool have any activities for you to join during school, this way you then can join, have fun, and it'll looks good on your resume or scholarship. It's also good to find a school that is far away from the big cities, this way you won't find yourself partying all day with your friends instead of studying. The school that I'm going right now is in the middle of nowhere, therefore all I do all day is study, but the school does have enough activities to keep me from boredom. The last piece of advice is to fill out as many scholarship as possible because if you're lucky to get your hands on some money you wouldn't have to worry about your financial situation and can concentrate on your school works.
In order to find the right college the student needs to know what major they think they want as well as how big they would like it in order to feel comfortable. The reason I chose this one was because I grew up in a small town and I wasn't ready for a big university, that helped a lot to get accustumed to the university. So I would tell the students to make sure they feel comfortable there and know their major so that they know if the classes are offered there otherwise they will be wasting their time. Also no matter where they go they will make friends. For parents I'd say let their child decide it's a lot easier on them then being pressured to going somewhere they didn't want to and fail. Students will do good no matter where they go whether it's far or close to home, they will always have a support system right there at school with all the new friends and staff.
The most important thing a student could find in a school is the program they might be interested in the most. I think it is equally important to have great advisors that would be helfpul to facilitate determining what major a student might choose. It is very important that advisors guide students in what classes to take, and make necessary recommendations. I did not feel very well advised at all during my time at Eastern.
Advice to parents: Let your children experience all of college, it will help them become the people that they are meant to be. Even if this means letting them make huge mistakes, its their life, not yours. Be encouraging, and if they fail, let them know that you still support them in their studies.
Advice to students: I was afraid to leave home at first, I quickly learned that I would have much rather gone away to a 4 year instead of a 2 year. It was a lot cheaper, and I did make many friends, but I didn't get the best experience or have the best outlook on college. When I did transfer, I made even more friends ,had better experiences, and took college more seriously. I loved the freedom and responsibility that being away from parents gave me. I strongly suggest starting at a 4 year, and getting all the advise from your counslor as possible. Take your time in figuring out what you want to do, I redeclared my major 3 times! And lastly, take random classes, they add fun to being in school! College is the best time of your life!
Make sure the first college you go to has a variety of degree choices, just in case they want to be something they never heard of. Like an anthropologist. :) Smaller more close knit classes are way better, but difficult to find. EWU is a great choice.
I would tell them to look at the activities and things they want to be near and choose a school that offers them or are near them. Think about your major and if the school offers it and how close you want to be to home. Make sure you know what you want adn then plan around that, or if you are dependent on financial aid go to a school that is willing to help you out.
Find a place that you will fit in right and feel at home. Live in the dorms your first year, that is where you will make the most friends. Be social, do school activities when they are offered, and don't be shy. If you don't know anybody at first, then you have nothing to lose. Go out there and be yourself and make some new friends, it will make your college life and experience much better. Take your time, there's no need to rush, just have a good time and learn a lot. Not everyone gets the oppotunity to attend college, so make the most out of it and don't give up. Sometimes the school work will seem to take over your life and just be too much, but don't guive up and just work through it, and get help with work if you need it. Once again, don't be shy, all professor's are there for you and willing to help you out in any way they can.
It helps to know what you want to do with your life, but not necessary. Many colleges have resources available to guide you in the right direction, depending on your interests, or what you are good at. Community colleges are great for students who haven't decided what kind of career they are interested in, as they provide the general classes needed for a 2 year degree. Some community colleges even offer specialized 2 year degrees in certain fields. If you have decided on a field of interest, or have a few in mind, a particular college or university may be better than others in your field. The best way to find out is ask alumni of colleges you are looking at, or researching online. Talking to advisors and counselors can help too. If you are still in high school, your counselor there can be a valuable resource as well. When it comes down to it, a college education is more important than it used to be. But with so many resources available, it is not a bad thing to do what you want to do. Study what you want to study. And don't forget to have fun.
As the former student government President of Eastern Washington University it is in my belief that any post secondary higher education institution that provides your child or student an opportunity to succeed is the best choice. I would say from my experience is you don?t need to attend a larger or more prestigious institution. What you should be focusing on is does the university provide every service your student needs. In my experience a larger institution does not provide what a smaller university or college can serve at a higher standard of academics. A small institution will provide not only more opportunities to become active and gain experience but will also provide a diverse classroom. By less students attend a smaller institution there will be more dialogue and discussion in class. Smaller institution will also have smaller classrooms providing more interaction with a professor instead of being instructed by a graduate student. In every class I am personally challenged because the professor has legitimate time to get to know me. In a smaller institution I am not just another number by my student identification number. In addition tuition is typically lower as well.
For choosing a college, the best advice anyone ever gave me was to visit the colleges you are considering. After walking around campus during a typical school day, you should get a pretty good idea of what the culture is like. Read bulletin boards, campus newspapers, and signs to see what's important to that campus. Also, don't necessarily discount a school based on cost, as there are several options for financial aid. Most schools offer scholarships as well as government funding. Private scholarships are an excellent option as well.
Once you are in college, get involved! Maybe join a club, but if not, just be active. Hang out on campus. Living on campus is an amazing experience, I recommend trying it at least one year if at all possible. Make sure, however, not to let extracurriculars interfere with academics. It is easy to join five clubs and go to every event and let homework fall by the wayside. This is the quickest way to end your college experience, as you will flunk out. Failing a single class, however, is something to be experienced. Not intentionally, of course, but if it happens, learn from it and move on.