Be more practical in what you pursue. Know what you want out of life, where you want to go, and commit to that decision. I know you are an over-achiever, but don't follow the path you beleive is prestigious because prestige does not always translate into success. That's because success is not what others see in you, but what you see in yourself. Only you can define your own success, so don't let others define it for you. If you do the latter, then the only dream you'll be chasing is someone else's. So, stay focused, figure out a vision, believe in that vision, believe in youself, and persevere through everything else. You got this!
If I could go back in time and give my high school self some advice about college, I would say that no matter what happens in life, never forget to make yourself happy first. It is so easy to get lost in friends, boyfriends, work, and even school that you forget to take care of yourself first. Make yourself happy and you can live a happy life both in school and out. Change your thoughts and you can change your world.
I would say, "Nick dont wait till you are 30 to go back to school do it NOW".
“Get involved, save your money, and remember why you are here.” I believe going to college immediately after high school is the best way to set up for a successful future but it is also a very confusing time and often overwhelming. It is important to remember why you are here – for your future – and to keep your eye on the finish line. Try not to get sidetracked by doubt, alcohol, or negative people. College is a lot harder to get through on the second try when you work full time and support a family. Get involved in organizations, clubs, and other activities that will enhance your overall experience, keep you motivated, and provide a support network when you have trouble. You may find these organizations provide benefits and connections you never realized. Finally, save your money – live like a “broke college student” even if you are not. You have plenty of time to “live it up” after college, and you will be ever so grateful not to have looming credit card debt or massive student loans that you might have avoided if you visited your family for Spring Break instead of taking that trip to Cancun.
If I could go back and tell myself as a senior anything about college it would to not be afraid. I come from a very poor family and the idea of piling up tens of thousands (or more) dollards in student loans terrified me. Due to my stubborn nature I refused to admit to this fear and, rather than accept the possibility that college is possible for a poor boy, opted to join the military instead. I would remind myself that each year you can fill out applications for scholarships and student aid to help ease the burden presented with post college debt. Since my current position in the military is that of a career counselor I have discovered that very few of the men and women that join actually know about the student aid available which leads me to believe that there is far too little education provided to high school students on this matter. Had I, and many of my sailors, known what financial aid was available then I would have pursued an Engineering degree with the University of Arkansas. Finally I would tell myself to keep the faith and to stay vigilent. Hard work pays dividends.
Enjoy the freedom of the bondage of childhood while you can.
Never loan what you can not afford to loose.
Think of the future often; it will soon be here.
Stay focused and do not learn hard on credit cards.
I love school and I love learning, always have. So I think school is fun well for the most part, sometimes it can be hard. But I think school is only hard if you can't find a way to make it fun. I am the first to attend college in my family and will be the first to graduate as well. I've gotten knowledge from my collge experience and a chance for a better and brighter future. With your help my dreams will be possible not just dreams but reality. Thanks so much Cecily.
So far in college, I have really discovered who I am as a person and the struggles along the way have only made me stronger. I have taken many classes that have opened my mind to a new world that I was shut out from in high school. I have learned to make my own educated decisions, to think critically, and to be a studious person will help me to achieve my academic goals. I have also learned that it is never too late to achieve your dreams. I find it valuable to attend college because of the all around wealth of knowledge that one gets from the many classes you take instead of the cookie cutter classes you took in high school. In my classes you not only learn the material and retain it, but you actually apply that to your everyday life and that is something that I have learned to take away with me along with my degree, the idea that it is imperative to think critically and for yourself.
In this economy, it is essential to have a degree in a given program. I am one of the first in my family to further my education. My dad is an entrepreneur in his own right and my mom is a CNA. I want to make them both proud and show my family that anything is possible and that the sky is the limit.
I often imagine myself walking into a job interview with my credentials in hand. I would have so much confidence in myself and my capabilities. Academically, I want to prove those people wrong who said that I couldn?t accomplish my dreams; the people who want to discourage me from what matters to me most, which is my education. My goal is to start a business of my own. I hope to use my online degree as a way to give back to my community and to serve as a role model to everyone whom I may come across. I have struggled academically like most students do at some point in their career, but I am not the type to give up. Struggles are a lesson to be learned.