I would tell myself to relax, slow down, and enjoy senior year. I am a perfectionist and I was never satisfied unless I received 100 percent on everything. I stressed myself out so much about grades that I never really got to enjoy all of the fun activities that were available senior year. Once you get to college, no one cares whether you made A?s or C?s in high school. While you want to keep your grades up enough to get into the college of your choice, you need to relax and have fun your senior year. You only get to experience it once and it really has a lot to offer if you are willing to take the time to have fun. Looking back now, the things I remember about senior year are the few times I actually went out and took in the different experiences. I do not remember what grade I got on different tests or even in the classes themselves. So, slow down, take in the experiences, and just enjoy being young and not having many responsibilities. Believe me; the real world will be here before you know it.
I think I would tell myself that I don't need to let things bother me as much as I have a class full of inmature adults who whine about everything. I also probably would have considered starting school sooner or maybe even choosing a different school to attend.
I would tell myself to stick with it and keep going dont give up. When i was a teenager i had no idea what it was like in the real world. kind of cliche but it took me 5 years to truely value a college education and how much I could truley benifit from it. not to mention how much it could change my life.
You should not be afraid to follow your dreams. Don't put off going to school. It is better to go ahead and focus and get school out of the way. If you are truly not ready to go to school right away just focus on your job and taking care of your family until you are truly ready to focus on school.
The advice I would give myself is that I would have went to college sooner, instead of taking two years off. I would tell myself college is a fun and interesting experience. Also, that it can be hard work at times but has a high reward when i graduate and receive my degree upon completion.
If only I could go back! It may have made funding college so much easier for me. The first thing I would do is reccomend getting more involved. Almost every scholarship application I've read through has requested some form of an extracurricular or volunteer work summary. Next I would warn my self to steer clear of senioritis. Just because your almost done doesn't mean its time to start slacking. Those last few months can turn out to be critical. Also, study! Senior year can be pretty easy, and maybe you don't have alot of work, but continue to study, because if not when you arrive at college you will be at such a disadvantage. College is alot of hard work, and it takes real effort. As far as financial aid and scholarships are concerned you should get started early. The sooner you complete your FAFSA the better, because then you will have a better idea as to how much you will actually have to put towards your tuition out of pocket. Lastly I would just say maintain your dedication, never stop telling yourself you can do it. With enough confidence you cant go wrong.
If I could go back in time and give myself some helpful words of advice for college I would say study hard and prioritize your time. I would tell myself to keep focused on the learning aspect of school as well as the social aspect, but more on the academics. I was very social in school and didn?t apply myself as much as I could have, therefore I got by with good grades, but they could have been great grades.
If I knew then what I know now constantly pops into my head and I wish I could tell myself to remember more of my US History and the Constitution, or the Periodic Table of Elements, or the Algebra rules that seemed so silly then, but could really come in handy now. I would tell myself to concentrate more and take harder classes in school, that you have a good brain ? Use It!
If I could tell myself then something of importantance today it would be to always look for tomorrow, enjoy your today, but never forget or regret your yesterdays.
Don't jump at the first college that comes along. I went with the first college I looked at and didn't compare it to any others. I probably could have made a better, more informed decision about where, and what I wanted to study if I had taken the time to investigate all my options.
I would tell myself not to wait and to go straight from high school to college. I do not regret having my children but I would choose to have finished college and be in a stable career before having them. I know that I am doing the right thing for them now by being in college but the amount of time that it requires me to be away from home is difficult when there are children involved. Because my children are 11 and 9, they are able to understand a bit better than a younger child why mommy is unable to come to their basketball game that night. They understand that I am in school and trying to make a better and more secure life for them.
I would say, I can do anything I want , stay away from the things that will cause you harm and stay focus on the challenges you have in front of you. Study hard, listen and learn do not let anything stand in your way. Real friends will be supportive of your decision making choices according to your life. Choose postive role models for every aspect of life.