Edgewood College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Edgewood College know before they start?


I am currently a Sophomore at the College of Dupage (COD), my experience there has been a jurney of discovery. While attending COD as a full time student I have been working 30-40 hours per week as an assistant manager at a restaurante. Two years ago I thought I would just work my way into a manager possistion in the company, I didnt think I could afford college and I thought being a manager was all I could hope to achieve. Over these last to years Ive awoken a deep interest in the human body and how to keep it healthy. Ive been sussesful in both my classes at community college and at work, through this ive seen that I have alot of potential. My plans have changed, and now I find my self working harder to save, and studying longer to get better grades. Im on my way a new carrer in the health field with the confidence ive gained from both working and being a fulltime student. My college experience has been alot of work and will continue to be, but without it I would never have seen what I am capable of doing.


Going back to college has been a lifelong dream. I completed 3 years at various colleges before I entered into the military. Now, 15yrs later, I am in the process of a medical retirement due to injuries and complications while I was deployed in Iraq. It was very difficult for me to be told by the Army that my career was over & I had to get out. Once my surgeries were completed, I had dried my eyes and made peace with the decision, I searched within myself to see where else I could make a contribution in life. This was my Maker's way of telling me that I had completed "one mission" and it was now time to begin the next. I am now back in college to obtain my BSN and hopefully one day, be a NICU Nurse or work with babies and young children. College will not only allow me to finally complete my Bachelor's Degree, but I will also be able to support my family in a way that had become my passion. It has given me a sense of empowerment and self-worth. I cannot wait to complete my next mission.


I have learned how to manage my time more affectively not just for college but for everything. Many college students go to school, work and have other activities which means we have to learn how to balance it all. Once I learned how to manage my time everything else sort of fell into place. College helped me grow up and appreciate a lot of things because I met so many people, experienced various things and learned more than I expected to. I think everyone should experience the college life at least once. Many freshmen believe that the courses are the only thing they need to learn but they soon figure out that they learn more than just course material. I value my college experience because of the people I have met, the courses I have taken, and the small community I am apart of.


I chose Edgewood College over the UW-Madison because it has smaller class sizes and, to me, will keep me on track toward PA (Physician's Assistant) school. I am not just a number and have developed close relations with my professors, which has maximized the amount of information I am learning. I currently have a 3.9 GPA and have taken many science courses. This would indicate that Edgewood College is a very good fit for me. I also play tennis at Edgewood and take much pride in my school on an athletic level other than academic. I've made lifelong friends and have become more accepting of different people. Edgewood Collge has taught me the importance of education. I cherish my education very much and I am very excited to have such a strong support group, Edgewood professors and students. I've taken my education very seriously since I began college, but Edgewood College has taught me that the education I am receiving is not only good for a career but also for bulding character. I appreciate where I am in life and hope to continue my education in the medical field. Edgewood is a crucial stepping stone.


I can still remember it like it was yesterday; the warmth of my principal's hand as he shakes it while my other hand, slightly sweaty, reaches for the diploma, a grin across my face. I have finally graduated high school and am off to attend a four year college: Edgewood. Now, seven months later, I am a freshman beginning my second semester with a strong 4.0 grade point average, so grateful I have decided to further my education. So far I have learned important lessons in life; I believe moving away from home and living on campus in a dorm is showing me how to grow-up, but not in a too scary or too hasty of a way. I am no longer living life off of a silver platter. I have to do my own laundry, cleaning, cooking as well as keeping a healthy schedule that includes exercising, studying and healthy eating. I have also taken on the responsibility of caring for my betta fish. Everyday I am given the opportunity to put my values into action and show the world who I am; college is what is giving me this amazing shot at a successful life.


I am a US Army veteran and was honorably discharged after serving 1 year in Iraq, 1 year in Germany, and 2 at Fort Riley, KS. When I was back in the real world, life was not as it seemed. I was lost for some time and had no direction. My fiance convinced me to go back to school to persue a career. I looked into the recommendation and found myself interested in the world of IT. I attended a two-year technical college and received my degree in Systems Administration. I then was motivated and decided to persue my bachelor's in Computer Information Systems. That is where Edgewood came in. By then, I found myself married, with a son, and a mortgage. The only way to support my family was to continue on and receive something I have always dreamed of--a bachelor's degree. What have I gotten out of school? I was accepted at a biotech enterprise for an internship position. After working there for 6 months, I was hired on full time. School paved the way for my success. I used to be unmotivated before school, but now find myself striving for success!


I have honestly gotten a lot out of my college education thus far. I have attended college for 5 years originally pursuing an Elementary Education degree and have now since changed to Secondary Education based on my practicum and educational experiences. I have learned much more than I had ever thought and have established many relationships with teachers from my school and the surrounding school districts. After transferring to Edgewood College, all of my expectations were met and I realized what I had been missing at the previous universities. I had immediate connections to my instructors and the college staff. I have learned more at Edgewood than I have at my other schools and the experiences I have had at Edgewood not only confirm my degree choice, but have inspired me to graduate early to work as a High School teacher and have a classroom of my own! Edgewood college inspires students to learn and to be outstanding educators as students make their way into the classrooms. Edgewood College i a great school, but very expensive! I hope to continue my education at Edgewood and graduate in the Spring of 2012. Thank you for your time and consideration!


Iv'e gotten lot out


Being apart of the UW-Baraboo/ Sauk County campus community for the past four years has been a wordful experience. The small campus provided excellent class room enviornments which provided a more personal learning experience. Faculty were always available for questions and were willing to give the extra time to guarantee every chance to succeed at what they were asking of you, allowing every class I took at UW-Baraboo to be exicting and memorable. This enviornment has given me a greater understanding of the maturity it takes to go to college and dedicate yourself and your efforts to the tasks my professor asked of me. Not only did the attention I was given here at Boo-U enable me to want to continue my education and not settle with an assiocates degree, it also provided varieties of classes that supported my interest further into the wildlife management field. They allowed for a better understanding of the basics, which could be conveyed to me in more dicrect setting, that I now have a more impressive understanding of the SOP's of my field, which will help me transition more smoothly into my feild further along in my college career.


My college experience thus far has shaped me into a new person. Being a theatre major, I get to know a lot of different people and have learned to express myself. Edgewood has shown me that it is okay to be myself and that only God's judgement matters. I love the family that I have found in my fellow students here. From people in my dorm, my theatre family, my professors, and my faith sharing group, I feel completely at home. I thought that when I left home I would have a horrible transition and shed a lot of tears. However, it was not like that at all. I felt so accepted that I didn't feel homesick, rather, I felt as if I had just gained a new home. I do not regret coming to Edgewood adn look forward to the years to come here at school.