Not only have I learned a lot about myself throughout my first two years of college, I also have learned a lot about my future career, and many good tips for how to be better in my chosen career as a child life specialist. The child life program at Edgewood College is excellent; the child life professors are all child life specialists at a nearby hospital. In child life, a lot of education courses are needed as well, and a lot of the education professors I have had were also teachers at an elementary school or other level which they teach about. Edgewood has wonderful professors, and they have all really helped me learn how to be a better child life specialits, my ultimate goal in life. Attending Edgewood College was the best decision I ever made, and if given the opportunity to go back and re-do choosing a college, I wouldn't change a thing. Edgewod College was the perfect match for me.
I have gained many things from attending college. First, I gained pride. I am the first in my family to graduate high school and attend college. Being able to set an example for the younger generation of my family by doing so was a reward in itself. By being here I have also learned the value of interdependence . I used to believe one had to learn to be independent in order to succeed. However, my time here at Edgewood College although short has tought me how important it is to be able to go to others when you need to. It has been valuable to me to attend not only because I am recieving the priviledge of recieving an education but because I have been able to grow as a person. While being on mmy own I am learning things about myself I never knew and exploring a whole new world. I have opened my eyes, mind, and heart to many new outlooks. From the knowledge I've gained in the classroom to the knowledge I have gained from the people surrounding me I know I have become a better person and can only hope I continue to grow.
Finding meaning in my time spent at Edgewood College is a result of fulfilling my coursework towards my Nursing degree and getting involved with classmates outside the classroom. Additionally, staying on track with my nursing course work involves hard work, helping others and being involved with extra curricular activities. These extra curricular activities allow me to “let down” or do something different, permitting me to recharge for my next challenge. I enjoy being involved on campus and taking part in helping out with campus activities and other important events. Edgewood College has a diverse population and I enjoy meeting all kinds of new people. These are the qualities that bring true meaning to my educational experiences at Edgewood College.
College has been a place for me to learn and grow not just as a student but as an active part of a community. I've been able to really explore different areas to figure out what would be best for me. Also, I've been encouraged to continue my work, I work with children with Autism, and the school has been more than willing to accomidate that I need flexibility in my school schedule to fit in my work schedule. I feel very encouraged on my goals of life and happy with the path that I've chosen. College has been a valuable experience for me because I've been exposed to many different view points and I've been able to tell mine. People have critiqued them in a positive way so that I've been able to learn from others and alter my points of view, or keep them the same.
High school was the best four years of my life. I made best friends, met so many life changing teachers and learned so much. I was so sad to move on to college, but also excited. Now in my second semster in college, I couldnt be any happier. I love the new friends I've made and learned even more. The classes I've taken have been so interesting and taught me so much. I am currently attending Bristol Community College and I will be transferring my credits to Brockton Hospital Nursing School in August. The time I've spent at Bristol Comunity College has been so valuable and helpful to me. It has gotten me on the right foot and to learn what college is all about and also help to be one step closer to my dream of becoming a nurse.
Coming out of High School the only thing I looked forward to was escaping to college to go have fun. College is a great experience! I realized without this opportunity it would be hard to survive in the real world. Since attending college I have applied for four part-time jobs and the one question each interviewer asked me was, " So what are your plans for the future? Are you attending school?" I feel that without my answer of, "Yes I am attending college and planning on getting an internship with a major business company," I would have not recieved the job. Attending college has been a valuable asset in my resume and will coninue all through my lifetime. I would never give up this experience because I have met so many great people and have participated in so many activities that I will never forget. College has changed my view on life to be more focused and productive.
Well college has been a completely different experience for me compared to highschool. I absolutely hated highschool because for the most part I felt like I never really fit in. In college it's just the opposite because there are so many different people and so far everyone that I have met (students and staff) have been absolutely wonderful and helpful. So far I have gotten so much out of being in college because I have found exactly what I want to do in my life for a career and I'm so excited and can't wait to be able to start in a nursing career. Atteding college is extremely valuable to me because I'm a single mom of two with no help, working part time and going to school full time just so I can provide a better life for me and my kids. With out my college degree I will be struggling from paycheck to paycheck so this is my way out.
I started at a technical college before transferring to a four-year college. A scholarship would help me to complete my bachelor?s degree and pursue my true passions. I have worked many jobs in food service, retail, and photography to pay my way through college, coupled with student loans. However, the most valuable experiences I?ve had have been the ones I have been paid nothing or very little to do.
My experience with the local Literacy Network inspires me to push myself to succeed in college. The organization teaches people from different backgrounds how to read, learn, and speak English. Many of the people who want to learn English have simple goals. For example, being better able to communicate with their children?s teacher. I volunteered to design for the non-profit?s newsletter for a year, revamping and updating the newsletter. This experience taught me a lot about the importance of helping others in as many ways as you can. That?s what I aspire to do with my life?to help others in as many ways as possible. College has helped me to realize this goal.
I know you are scared and not sure you can make it in college. Don't worry! You are capable of taking that leap into adulthood. You will have to work hard, ask lots of questions, study harder, stay up later, and learn to love a big cup of coffee for dinner when you pull those all-nighters. But it will all be worth it. You will see that college is where you really shine. Where you become who you're meant to be. You'll find out who you are as a person as you are pushed and pulled and stretched in new ways. Don't give up! The reward lies ahead of you. You will go from an uneasy, unsure-of-what-lies-ahead person to an educated, experienced confident professional. You mind will blossom, your personality will take shape as you dive into the depths of knowledge yet to be explored. I know it's a big step, but you've got what it takes to be successful. You already have the seed of knowledge planted inside of you that will sprout and bloom over the next few years. Now be brave, take a breath and jump!
If I could go back I would tell myself to be more appreciative of my family and everything that they have done for me. When I came to school I lost my Great Grandma, and both of my Grandmothers within the two semesters. It left my Mother and Father struggleing to keep their heads up. We were in the process of moving to another house and trying to sell our old house and then trying to sell my Grandmother's house as well. It was hard for them to comfort each other when they were unable to comfort themselves. It made me wish that I would have spent more time with them while I was in high school because I realized while I was in college that you don't know what you have until it is gone. It was hard to rest easy sometimes knowing that I did not appear as thankful for them as I am and I wish that I could go back to the day that I graduated from high school and tell each one of them thank you for helping me succeed and helping me get to where I am now.