Let’s go back in time! Now this seems like something weird to say because it could never happen, right? Well, we could do what we’ve been told our whole lives and use our imagination, then it could be possible.If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to be more positive and get out there! In high school I didn’t have a very positive attitude and kept to myself. I was the kind of girl who set her goals way to high and then would get upset when I didn’t reach those crazy goals. I also didn’t really go out with friends and I wasn’t very comfortable talking to new people. In college you have to be positive, if you’re not positive you won’t accomplish anything. I didn’t make many friends due to my shyness. Not only do I wish I would have made more friends, but I also wish I had more practice talking to/in front of people because you do a lot of speaking in class; very nerve-racking!If I could have told myself this before going to college, I would have been prepared!
I would tell myself that he should rethink the options and plan more. If the degree is worth it or not, if the expense is worth the education. I would tell myself to study hard no matter what my senior self decided. A lesson learned is a gained. Whatever plans my past self decided, whether it would change anything or not, I would still gain experience and become more cultural shaped individual. It's not like we are doomed if we make some mistakes. Transfer, figure out something else if your not happy, there's always options.
Stop dragging your feet around and go and mingle on the Edinboro page on Facebook. Do not stress and become depressed because you think you won't be able to handle college and the stresses that might come with it. To tell you the truth, it is going to be so much better than high school ever was. You get to meet your roommate, who turns out to be like the sister you always wanted. Yes, there will be boys and drama, but you get over that. Do not start smoking cigarettes, you'll quit soon after and it would be a waste of your precious money. The cable jack in your room doesn't work because the switch down in the basement is turned off. Do not stop taking your medicine just because you don't want to visit the school therapist. Yes, she is new to her job, but I think you would make it out of bed more often if you continue on the medicinal path that you are already on. You'll get sick a few times and it will suck, but deal with it. You're a big girl. Call your mom more. Good luck.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to only look at private universities. Private universities have more money to offer their to their students, so that way they are not so far in debt. I won't lie, college life is hard and not knowing anyone at a university makes it even harder, so pick a university where maybe a few friends are going, but not all of your high school graduating class. That way, you will always have someone to talk to or study with if you need them.
If I could go back and talk to myself, I would remind myself that I only go to college once. I would encourage myself to give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} both academically and athletically and never hold anything back. If you follow your heart and always give your all, you will never have regrets. During the transition to college, I would tell myself to relax and enjoy! I am a strong enough person and will transition smoothly. Make lifelong friends, let people get to know the real me, form relationships with faculty, strive for a 4.0, leave everything on the soccer field, be a role model on and off the field, and enjoy every minute of college life because you can never go back and relive it! College is the time of your life; take pictures, laugh often, and work hard!
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to choose an in-state college. I am not learning that there are many more scholarship opportunities to students who chose a college in they state they live in. After preparing for my first year of college, I have spent a lot of money on books and many other living necessities. Now as I plan to take classes over the summer and in the fall 2012 semster I am finding it difficult to pay for these expenses. I will be working over the summer, but I do not think it will be enough to make a difference in my college bills. I amreally hoping to get as much financial help as I possibly can.
I would tell myself to not be influenced by my parents' opinions or to do something just to make them happy. I would tell myself to follow a path that leads me to what I want to do in the future. I would encourage myself to get involved on campus right away. It opens up so many opportunities to make life-long friends and ways to keep yourself busy. Academically, I would tell myself to make myself known to professors by participating in class more because this helps with future references and they are the best people to ask about information for a career you want to pursue.
To be honest, I feel that I was really on the right track during my senior year. I was obviously ready, because my GPA is even higher now that I'm in college, and I was getting acclamated to the ROTC program on campus that I am currently a part of already through their joint ROTC activities. The only mistake I feel that I've made coming out to school was buying too many groceries!
The advice I would give myself: enjoy myself, apply for scholarships now before it's too late and bring snow pants. Studying is highly important, but college only happens once, so make the best of it while you can. Also while you can apply for scholarships, the older you get the harder it is to get them. I don't know how many times I've had to decline a scholarship because I'm not in high school. You may think they are always abundant now, but in a few years you'll be struggling to pay for it all. As for snow pants, it's as cold as they say up here, the snow is always blowing.
Your transition to college is actually quite easy. You are and have always been driven, and you have always went out and got what you needed without hesitation. You do this so well people often wonder if you ever take a break. Keep up the good work and keep thinking and you'll be better then fine. As a final word of advice don't let this encounter become a paradox. Instead use this encounter as incentive to continue your good work.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself about what i know now and how to make the transition, i would start by telling myself to save my money. College is not cheap and i wish i would have realized how hard it is financially before I came. I would also consider the fact that having a roommate isn't as easy as it may seem. I knew my roommate from highschool and its more awkward than i thought it might be. The rooms are small and there is almost no privacy, not knowing that beforehand makes it harder now.