Elmhurst College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Elmhurst College?


Elmhurst College is not for those who enjoy blending into the crowd and just becoming another number or college statistic. It is also not for those who want something to do every weekend all the time. Do not attend Elmhurst if you don't want your teacher to know your name or want anything to do with your studies. Elmhurst is for those who want to be their own individual and get the best education possible.


People that do not like community or academia.


This is a school for students who are goal oriented and motivated to try new things. Students should want to have a new experiences. Elmhurst focuses on education as their top priority. Students should be able to balance their social life as well as their academic. Both are important on this campus. There are so many different groups to be involved in and it is looked highly on when you are involved.


Someone who feels like a minority or feels as if he/she is the only one of his/her race/religion.


I think a person who is looking for a big school may not want to attend this school. Also, someone looking for a large amount of diversity or a fairly equal amount of all types of people should not come here.


Someone who is intolerant of others' differences, with regard to race/ethnicity, physical disability, sexual orientation, economic status, gender, religion, or any other factors. Elmhurst College is commited to promoting diversity, with several intercultural and interfaith student organizations, and a major/minor in Intercultural Studies. We have had several incidences of hate crimes in the past few years, including defacing posters and writing racial slurs on students' room doors. The College is working to investigate these incidents and prevent them from happening again, and openmindedness among students is a key factor in this process.


Someone who isn't willing to do the work or study for the exams to get the grades. Definitely not a procrastinator, I've had 3 friends kicked out this passed year for poor grades.