Elmira College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Elmira College!


It's a quirky little place that you can find a lot wrong with. But go in with an open mind and with the reality of no place is perfect, and you will enjoy your time at EC. But, it has to be the right fit for you. It certainly was for me.


I came to Elmira College because of the scholarship. It was amazing because college suddenly became cheaper. I was a high honors student in high school and had several other opportunities at more prestigious schools. If you are not offered a scholarship, then not only should you not come here, you should not THINK about coming to Elmira College.


I think what is unique is that it is a small campus that is big on tradition. The school has school songs that are passed on and traditions that are handed down year after year, i think it is great. Traditions aren't around like they used to be, but at Elmira they are.


It has a small campus, but still has many activities during the year. The class size is small, which allows the teachers to know each student more and allows them to be more able to help the student if they need help. It has tons of school spirit and I like that you will know who doesn't attend the school since the campus is so small and you know almost everyone. It has good academic programs and great career opportunities for after graduation.


We are very in to school spirted activities. We are a very close campus and others help others when needed.


Elmira has a center for Mark Twain Studies. We have his study on Campus; it is opened at any major event on campus. We have a school shape - The Octagon. We have the Octagon Fair in the fall, where the various organizations of the school showcase things about themselves and vendors sell things. We have a unique three term schedule, rather than quarters or semesters. In the spring we have May Days, which is a weekend Carnival on campus. Our school colors are Purple and Gold, and we have Purple rock salt, soap, christmas lights, John Deere tractors and firetruck.