Making the most of the college experience... I can hear my mom echoing something close to this statement. I made a mistake in choosing the wrong school. I realize now I chose a school that is not for me and in fact is far from my personality. But with that said I still am "making the most" of my college experience. Sometimes it's not about where you are but it is about your attitude. Attitude is everything and positivity goes a long way. I have learned to surround myself around supportive individuals and avoid those who are negative. If you have a bad attitude you won't fit at any school.
Avoid the small schools- my school lacks diversity and isn't a realistic setting for the "real world." Small colleges tend to also have students who form cliques and who don't dare step foot out of their social circle. Even though small colleges have lower student to teacher ratios I would gladly give that up now. Being at a small school only means small-minded people. So go big.... find a school that is saturated with diversity, culture, and opportunities- you won't regret it, I promise.
Finding the "right college" is perhaps one of the most difficult decisions that a young person will have to make. I agonized over the choice for a year, especially since I was the first in my family to go to college and therefore I was not familiar with the whole process. I think that the right college for each individual should be a place where they feel safe, where they feel they will learn a lot, a place where they have courses that the student feels he or she will truly enjoy, a place that has many activies and athletics to be involved in, but most importantly, a place in which the student feels comfortable and at home.
Once I set foot on the Elmira College campus, I knew that this was the place for me. It was a smaller school, a beautiful campus, and had everything that I wanted. After just graduating, I know that I made the right choice. I have made life long friends that I will continue to talk to forever, I received an ivy league education at a private school cost, and I matured and grew into the person that I am today.
Parents: Let your children choose where they want to go. It is them that will be living and learning there for the next 4 years, not you. So make sure you don't pressure them into choosing a school they do not want to attend, it will only end badly.
Students: Don't worry about making friends. It will happen, there's nothing to be worried about. College is not as scary as it can seem sometimes.
While visiting the campus, be sure to talk to students that are walking around. That will give you a general idea of how the community of the school as a whole is. Also, talk to the students about what things they like and dislike about the campus. They're the ones that know best. Make sure you find out what the freshman living situation is going to be like. Ask how roommates are selected and if you can choose your own. Get a good look at a typical freshman dorm and see if you could picture yourself living there. Get a good look at the places to park on campus, because in the winter, wandering around a parking lot trying to find your car can be stressful. Find out if it costs anything to park on campus. Find the nearest bus stop for town/campus transport. Visit the school's library. See if printing or copying costs any money and how much. Find out how accessible the internet is thoughout the campus. Ask what there is to do on the weekends. Pick up a copy of the school's newspaper for a better idea of what is going on there.
I believe that the key to finding the perfect place is simply to visit the college ahead of time. There is a certain feeling you will get when you are placed in the atmosphere that just tells you that you belong. Making the most of your college experience does not mean locking yourself in your room studying every hour of the day because in the end you will not remember the nights you stayed up studying, you will remember the nights you stayed up wasting time and being silly and stupid with the friends you will have for the rest of your life. You need to find yourself with the help of others because it is a road you cannot travel alone.