Emerson College Top Questions

Describe the students at Emerson College.


Our campus and student body is pretty small but there is a good range of diversity on campus. We have several groups devoted to diversity, racial, sexual, international, etc. Emerson students come from about 50 countries and about 50 states within America. We are politically aware and active, not all of us are liberals.


Emerson has a great student body. It is perfectly sized and very diverse. Every type of person goes to Emerson - preppy, goth, jock, nerd, theater geek, glamorous...etc. But it isn't like high school - there aren't really cliques. Everyone seems to be friendly with most everyone.


See my above comments, the vast majority are slacker hipster kids who have a false sense of superiority.


as i said, the students are accepting and fun. most of us are going into the poorhouse though becuase it is expensive to go here and they give out hardly any financial aid. mainly we are liberal and many assume you are if you arent.


Look at an iPod ad, add cigarettes


When i first came to emerson in 2005 The students were... interesting. Emerson definitely had one of the most diverse student bodies I had ever seen. Its like every genre of human known to culture today, mixed together and painted beautifully into a collage of awsomeness. Seriously i had never seen people of seemingly so many cliques all blending together so seemlessly. It was like high school never happened. But recently, more specifically, since Emerson got rid of its West Side or beacon hill dorms, the student body has been becoming more preppy and less unique. Its not that i know ever single person personally, but people seem to classify themselves more and break off into groups much like cliques in high school. the only bonus still is that there is no jock alpha clique drama that prevents social interactions. So there is still a free feeling of one school sharing a similar ideal, just take everyone for who they are and be cool with that.


Often rich, some snobby, but more often than not lots of good, intelligent and very open-minded people. Lots of weed and drugs, but in a good way.


Emerson's campus is not one of the most diverse I've ever seen. There certainly is a "typical" Emerson student. But it is important to note that for the most part everyone is really friendly and there are many different types of people as well. Emerson is a very liberal campus with very opinionated students.


Sucks...I do like how many potheads there are here tho


Emerson has a pretty sizable LGBT community. There's a nasty rumor going around that 1/4 of the boys here are STRAIGHT, but it's definitely untrue - I personally know lots of straight guys. Everyone here is very accepting of different viewpoints, sexual preferences, and socio-economic classes. However, almost everyone here is a liberal - so be forewarned that you will be in a minority if you are not. Emerson isn't too diverse in anything except for sexuality and socio-economic class - you will find kids from EVERY walk of life here, not just super rich, as I'm sure many will claim. In terms of race, religion, and politics, Emerson isn't too diverse.