Emerson College Top Questions

Describe the students at Emerson College.


Different, alternative, vegans, skinny jeans


Emerson is very diverse and I was exposed to ALL kinds of people. Everyone can find their place here (eventually) I've never been surrounded by such a variety of people with such an extensive views on life, academia and the world.


Emerson is a very liberal school. Lots of gay people, and lots of very very open people. Pretty much anything goes here, and there really isn't any judging because no matter how weird you are, there is probably someone weirder here. We all get along great.


we're white, but not racist. everyone is welcome, although there can be a lot of rich snobs that only care about fashion.


Come visit before you come here. Students are extremely active and do what they love to do. However, this may not be your group of people. Come check out the campus before you decide to come here, because what you see is pretty much what you get.


There's really a bit of EVERYTHING. Emerson is working on increasing the diversity, so it's just a matter of time before we see more racially diverse students, and students from lower socio-economic backgrounds (regardless of race). Oh! And single out the students who are known, and try your best to learn from them. The best thing about Emerson is that so many people are willing to help and teach you. (esp. in the visual media arts department)


One major critique of Emerson is that it is not racially diverse. Personally, I think diversity is defined too narrowly as pertaining to race. Like at any college, though, people come from all different backgrounds. Whereas, say, a small-town Christian college might attract a lot of small-town Christians, Emerson has diversity that isn't necessarily racial. I've met people who are gay, straight, and bisexual. I've met people from Los Angeles to Honduras to the town next to me. I've met homeschooled people, private school people. The one thing that is pretty similar is that most people are liberal and nonreligious. This is definitely not the school for you if you're conservative and religious - but then again, there is an Emerson Republicans club and a center for spiritual life (several denominations - even a Buddhist chaplain!). Some Emerson students dress a bit runway-esque for an 8 am class, but I think that will happen at most city colleges.


Emerson presents a very liberal picture, whereas I find most of the students seem very apathetic politically. People spend a lot of time dressing up to look a certain way, so sometimes it feels like you're living in the most cliched/stereotypical TV show ever, which can be annoying sometimes. There are plenty of real people to counter the stereotypes, though, once you take the time to get to know people and once we get past the first few weeks of school when everyone's trying to make a certain impression or whatever.


Lots of diversity here, which is good. Most people are very well-styled and seen in a constant smog of tobacco smoke outside the Walker Building. Very very very left/liberal campus, but as a liberal myself I don't mind too much


Basically straight men will feel a bit uncomfortable at Emerson if they are have never been around gay people before. Most of the kids are rich and white and a lot of people are Jewish. Everyone is a leftist, unless they aren't, in which case it usually seems like they hold their views just to be contrary.