Emerson College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Emerson College!


You will be surprised by how many guys are gay, and by junior year your gay-dar will probably have sharpened a lot. But being surrounded by all the gays might rub off on you, and you might just find yourself flirting (or even better, hooking up) with someone of the same sex after a night of too much drinking :).


You won't really get a feel for this school unless you talk to a student here who is really thriving here. Whether it is personally thriving, in that they are more social and happy than ever before or professionally thriving because their career is really taking off, they are the ones who will really help you figure out if the school is right for you. Taking a tour and talking to a school administrator can be helpful, but they are making money off of you, talk to someone who is paying money already, to find out if it's right for you.


I can't lie to the kids coming here. i knew nothing about the school other than what i recieved by mail and online before i arrived. Overall i'm not upset about my choice of school. but it is a very different college life to that compared to larger campuses, so be prepared. if media is what your interested in you are in the right place so have no fear :)


Emerson is awesom and the students are really open. Find any on facebook and myspace, and ask them questions. They are not shy and will answer mostly anything you ask them.


Professors grade pretty easily but give good advice.




Emerson is great and very welcoming! Come! You'll love it! I know I do and I came here knowing no one and never really visiting Boston except for the college tour. I made friends immediately and don't regret my decision.


Emerson is in fact gay.


If I were a gay man I would go here honestly you have such a selection and a good one at that!


Basically if you want a really good education in your field and want a city atmosphere and very diverse student body, then come here. We party hard and have crazy kinds of fun, but its also a great school. And seriously, we smoke a lot of weed.