Emerson College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Emerson College?

Is Emerson College a good school?

What is Emerson College known for?


As a journalism major, Emerson has so far provided me with a great education. I'm learning about so much, more than I would at other schools. One thing I'd change is the campus. Although this campus is what initially drew me in to this college, now that I'm here, I wish there was more of a campus to bring the school closer together. Our school is really small, but I like it that way. When I say I go to Emerson, I almost ALWAYS get the response, "wow that's a really good school". I live in the little building at Emerson, which is where most of my time is spent. Boston is a college city holding roughly 50,000 college students, so it's not weird to be going to college here. Emerson's administration is pretty laid back and understanding. They cater to their students. Teachers here are pretty laid back as well. You just have to be a good student, and they'll most likely understand any problems of yours. School pride? hah. Well, we're not really into sports nor do we have a homecoming or anything, so there's not much school pride here. I mean, not that students aren't happy to go here, but there's not that many ways to show it. However, student groups and such are huge here, so I guess when it comes to school pride you can see it there. Emerson is an unusual school in itself. People here are weird, but very smart and creative. They know what they want.


Frist off Emerson has a student body of about 3,000 and that's it. There are a very few select people who belong here. Everyone who gets into emerson, belongs here, they fit into the intellectul hard working atmosphere. I am a transfer student into emerson and I have found it extremely hard to intergate with the already existing student body. The closest friends I have made, I made at orientation. (Almost every student will tell you that they still talk to their friends from orientation). I suggest paying very close attention to the groups you join during this one week period. I will say that emerson's transfer system is not a good one. They do not intergate their transfers very well. No clubs can be joined second semester, but yet they allow students to enter in during the januray semester. If entering the college this semester is an option, the clubs should be open to these students as well. Clubs on campus will give you real world experience, help get you published, and get into grad school... use them wisely. Emerson is a lot of work, so if you want to come here expect to do the work. Not including my workshop class, I had 3 12-20 page papers due, 2 finals, and over 7 short essays, a typical short essay is 3-7 pages long. Now to keep ahead in readings, in workshop classes, in essays, and still write three 12 page papers is alot and a headache, the thing is it's challenging (and stressful) but worth it. If you want to fly by college this is not the place for you. I came here because I was ready for this work load and craved it, my advice is if you don't crave a challenge, stay away! There is definitely a ceryain stigma that comes along with being an emersonain. My mom tells just about everyone back home that I go to emerson, and they reaction is always the same , "oh wow, that's a really good school." When I tell people I go to emerson I always get, "Wow". The unintellecutal though have no clue what the heck or who the heck emerson is. "Where?", "Where's that?", "Oh i've heard of it" but those who have kids in school or appericate learning and high standards are ALWAYS impressed by the school. THIS IS NOT A REASON TO COME HERE! The faculty and staff will think it's sweet that it was your dream, but they will not care that it was, they're not there to care about the dream of being there. They are there to care about pushing the dream you have that brought you to emerson. (Tho many of the faculty members can be uninspiring, and I have yet to meet one that will inspire me, I know there are many of them here just by the stories I hear). Emerson is a place that so resignate in your heart, and if it doesn't find a place that does. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, I have no question that this is the place for me. i worked 3 1/2 years to get here, and it was worth all of it. When you come to visit ignore the parents, they will make you and your family feel small. Pay attention to what the school actually offers. IGNORE YOUR PARENTS.... pay attention to what the school actually offers. Many parents just want their kids to go to EMERSON, it's sad and sickening. They school be focused on you, your goals, and what you want. Fight for what you want. And if that's something else, FIGHT FOR IT! I love this place, and it make it so much better knowing that everyone else does here too. Do not take away from other students by coming to this place half heartly.


I think the small setting is just right. A lot of people in my highschool hadn't heard of Emerson, and a lot of family friends etc. hadn't heard of it either - but it's known in certain fields. Boston is fantastic, and Emerson is in the perfect place.


Emerson gives you hands on experience right off the bat. I could've gone to any school in CA, but I choose Emerson because I knew I would be able to do things with my major from the first year. If I could change one thing it would be to enforce a smoking rule. Most kids here smoke right outside the buildings and it's so annoying. It's a smaller school, but the classes and teachers are great. No one is setting you up to fail, everyone wants the best for you. When I'm on campus I usually hang out in my suite living room, it's great but there is really no campus which is good and bad. Bad because there is nowhere we can all just hang out but really cool because Boston is our campus and it's a great city. Also, the sports are alright. We have good teams, but they go unnoticed, but taht is changing with time.


I like that emerson has many extra curricular activiteis.. and that you can experience what your career would actually be like by getting involved in those.. The journalism department has very good technology,..


Emerson is great about getting experience in the field you hope to work in. Although it is a small school, Boston is so big that it doesn't even matter. It is a very overtly friendly school.


If you go to Emerson, you are guaranteed to meet extremely ambitious people who are (for the most part) passionate about their work/major. Everyone says that the most important and valuable thing to do here is social networking, since it will get you up the chain. If that's what you're into.


Lacks a cohesive campus which makes for odd or difficult opportunities to socialize. Recent efforts towards adding sports programs and a business concentration fly in the face of the "little-liberal-arts-school" mentality. A lot of really wonderful and creative people go to school here. Generally, the common theme among students (despite their major) is their desire (and sometimes) to create interesting creative works.


The best thing about Emerson is the environment. For me, it was a very fertile and intimate place to grow and learn in. All of the classes are within a few blocks of each other and they are small so you can really get to know your peers and teachers. Even though we are in a communication school, the communication isn't so great. The offices and different departments don't collaborate and some of the more beaurocratic elements are messy and a pain to go through as a student. For example, the class and housing selection processes are long, involved and confusing and every adult I asked had a different solution to my problems. Emerson is growing, which I don't agree with. The size that it is now, in my opinion, is just perfect. I don't feel like a number, but I can really get to know my peers. When I tell people that I go to Emerson, they usually say "Ahhh, I wish I could have gone there!" or "Oh, I heard about that school? Do you like it?" I spend most of my time in my dorm building or in the neighboring classroom buildings. The library is in the same building as several of my classes so I go there to chill a lot- especially when I have work to do. When the weather is nice, I spend a lot of time out in the Commons or the Gardens. It's so beautiful when all the trees are blooming and you can just sit in the sun on the grass and get your homework done. There is a lost of school pride. I have become aware that the Emerson kids dislike the Suffolk (a neighboring school) kids because "They are smaller and in our shadow and trying to copy us!" I don't get it, but there's Emerson for you! We can insult and make fun of ourselves, but if a student from another school tries to insult Emerson kids, they're in for it!


Everyone at Emerson is passionate about their major. It's a very creative and committed student body. It's nice to be around people that won't let you down. When I tell people I go to Emerson, they're either impressed because they know Emerson's a good school, or they've never even heard of it before. Those who know Emerson know it's a great school that's hard to get into. I love being right in the heart of Boston. It's always strange when I go to big campuses like University of Illinois, where the campus is isolated from the city itself. All the class buildings and dorms are clumped together, then the city surrounds it. In schools like that, all the action happens on campus. At Emerson, our buildings are scattered around the city. There's no separation between the city and the campus. Sometimes, I like that Emerson student's are right in the center of the hustle and bustle of the city, but sometimes, I wish there was a feeling of community on campus. Emerson's administration is so knowledgeable and friendly. They treat you as equals. We can call them by their first names and many of them will come out to Emerson events and support the school. They're really cool people.