The best thing about Emerson is the reputation is has in the film industry and the connections you make that are essential to your career.
The school is small, but the class sizes are nice. You get a lot of individual attention from your professors.
Living in the city is great because even though Emerson isn't a huge party school there are still tons of places you can go if you like the night life.
If I could change something about Emerson I would change the housing situation. They can only offer students housing for freshman year, and trying to get an apartment in the city with a reasonable commute is a huge hassle, not to mention really expensive.
I also wish this school had more school spirit. If you like going to football games or any other sporting event for that matter this school is not for you. As an athlete I get next to no recognition. Teachers won't even let me leave class early to get to my games on time.
The best thing about emerson for me is all the creativity everyone has. Everyone is a little out there in their own special way. The only thing I would change about Emerson would be the food and giving us more options to get food besides 3 very limited places. Emerson is very small but I like small it is also in Boston which is a college town so there are a lot of other people around the same age. When I tell people about Emerson they either have no idea what I am talking about or they go WOW in a good way of course. I spend most of my time on campus either in the dorms or labs doing work. Boston is known to be a college town but there is absolutely no night life for people under 21 you would have to go to an apartment or something to get any type of nightlife.
I transfered to Emerson and couldn't be happier. Being in downtown Boston is a lot of fun, especially with Chinatown so close and Newbury Street just a few blocks away. I often find myself just walking the streets or going into the common when I have a break between classes. The teachers are open-minded yet demanding. I had to work hard in every class, but I also saw a distinct improvement in my writing by the end of the semester. The students are accepting, and because it's a rather small school, by the time you've spent a year there you at least recognize most faces. The student/teacher ratio is good and the largest class I've been in was about 28 people (and that was a required intro class). The only thing that I would change would be the attendance policy. If a student misses more than a week and a half of classes without a doctor's excuse it is an automatic fail. This doesn't sound so bad until it is put in perspective. If you are taking a class that only meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays you are only allowed three absences in that class without a doctor's note for an entire semester. This means, if you live off campus and are so sick you can barely move, you still better get your butt to campus and get into the health and wellness center so that you can have your note. However, this is the only real drawback I've come across. There are lots of groups and organizations to join, lots of them completely student run. If you are interested in any facet of the arts, this is the school!
The best thing about Emerson are the people. I have a great group of friends who are all creative and fun and have the same interests as me. It's awesome living in Boston, it's the best campus town and there is always something fun to do. Boston is our campus!
A lot of students act like they're trying to prove something. A lot of people who build their entire personality around one political issue (usually relating to sexual identy) or around one interest, etc. The academics are pretty good, but some of the students can be impossible to stand.
Emerson is currently in a transitional phase. Residence space is changing, studio and classroom space is changing, and the school is becoming "The campus on the Common," with the addition of the Paramount. Right now, every Emerson student will complain about something because they like to voice their opinions, while still being thankful for the wealth of good teachers, resources, and experiences at the school. The school, in my opinion, is administratively a mess. Miscommunication up the wazoo, for a communications school. I wish I had known. However, it's more than worth it for the training, experience, and students.
Students love: students projects and people to help you...i.e. film makers need actors, actors need projects, directors need actors, actors need writing majors to edit their papers... the team work all works out in the end. Also, the teachers are great contacts and resources as to what the business is really like. The school is overwhelmingly harsh sometimes, but it helps you grow.
Students hate: Financial aid and lack of it. Students services. The mail system is effed up. The dining hall and stores hours (closes at 7 on the weekends! So early!)
Emerson is a great place to go if you're looking for a unique school - it is NOT your typical college, where sports teams and sororities/frats rule the school. Everyone is really creative, and although it makes us conceited, we do end up doing some pretty cool stuff. There isn't much of a campus - just a few major buildings right downtown, which makes going to parties difficult when you live on campus (unless you're up for a 30-minute subway ride to Allston). However, the Boston Common is absolutely gorgeous when it's nice outside, and being in the heart of Boston is an experience like no other. If you're opinionated, a vegetarian, homosexual, an "individual", or just looking to be around a lot of creative minds, Emerson is the place for you.
Emerson is really a great school; small classes, eclectic students, teachers, and classes. Our campus is the entirety of Boston Common and the Public Gardens, which is really nice. Unfortunately, there aren't alot of nice "student spaces" for those not living in the dorms. I don't know if we have a lot of technical "school pride" but I think the students here are proud to be going to Emerson. We have many causeless rebels that complain about the school, but besides the ludacris cost of tution, Emerson is worth any trouble it causes.
Best Thing: Opportunities to make art.
One thing I would change: The way the school seems set up to alienate transfer students.
Size: Just right.
Reaction: Where's Emerson? People usually think I am talking about Emmanual.
Emerson is small. You will recognize almost everyone who has lived on campus. This is good and bad. Bad cause of gossip, good cause you can make closer friends. WHen i tell people i go to emerson i almost always get asked "emory?" no. emerson. but once youre in boston people know where it is. Boston is college city. 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the population (when schools are in session) of boston is students. the fact that all the clubs are 21 plus sucks. you will def meet people from almost every school if you go out to a party. (jus be wary, most people will know who you sleep with within 48 hours) partying in the dorms is fun too... sometimes more fun than going out. Emersons administration is ok. I was in the design tech for theatre major and switched into organizational and political communication. the art and theatre teachers can be a bit much, kinda high on their horse but still fun to talk to. the gen ed classes suck to the utmost meaning of the word. research writing will still your soul and speech will have you begging to escape. If you are not sure you want to do something emerson offers, dont come here. its easy to transfer departments but transfering is a pain and emerson doesnt offer many typical majors. dont come to emerson for marketing, you can do better. the political communication prof's generally are awesome. dont come here if you want school pride. go to bu or bc. emerson is awesome in the fact that it is in the heart of downtown, major t stops all around, chinatown and newbury(shopping) are blocks away and the common and garden are awesome when its nice out. my freshman year on halloween the trash cans in the common were set on fire.. it gets crazy. thurs fri and sat nights get intense because there are clubs and bars on our campus. gypsy bar. you will have a love hate relationship with it if you attend emerson college. (the cops are cool if you act innocent)