There are two types of classmates: those who work hard and study hard and the party people who take their opportunity here and their education for granted.
The typical Emory student is rich and feels some sort of self-entitlement because of it, and they usuaully pledge a fraternity or sorority
Most of my class mates are from the northeast (new york, boston, jersey) and there is a large jewish populationa s well as a large korean population. A lot of the northerners dont share the same values as most southerners when it comes to manners. There are a lot of stuck up people at Emory but there are still a lot of down to earth individuals. Partying is a big deal here but it often gets in the way of studying. There are a lot os students here interested in the fantastic premed and business programs offered at Emory University.
We're a little lazy, but when it matters we'll work to make a difference.
Emory is very LGBT friendly. There are alot of openly queer people at Emory. Some are more open about it than others, but everyday I learn about a new person who is gay in the community. People are welcoming of LGBT persons. There are several iniciatives going on at Emory. A transgender initiative seeks to create gender neutral bathrooms around campus and focuses on other transgender problems on a college campus. Also, a group of students is working to make the fraternity/sorority organizations more gay friendly. These steps are transforming Emory into an even more Gay friendly university.
Students come from around the country and around the world. We all have different religions, different political views, skin colors, and ideas, yet we form an amazing community. No one is the way they seem. Each individual student has a story to be told of pride and struggle, and we each bring something important to Emory.
Emory tends to be a politically liberal school. There have been incidences with more conservative personal such as David Horowitz and Newt Gingrich. For a more left leaning, President Jimmy Carter is one of the faculty members of Emory. Besides this, there is also the practice of being 'PC' rather than stating what is 'most accurate.'
However despite this, whether conservative or liberal...most people at Emory practice the liberal arts' notion of "agree to disagree" and both conservatives and liberals enjoy participating in rhetoric.
Though it is recommended that a person choose to talk politics to people wisely. While Emory is supposed to be an 'open' intellectual campus, some people tend to have 'closed' minds from both political spectrums unfortunately.
More than any other kind of diversity here at Emory, I liked seeing how groups of friends were temporarily divided by politics. My group of friends had a few heated discussions about Hilary versus Obama. Nobody brought up McCain except Peter... he was the only one. I liked listening to my rich friends talk politics with my poor friends because I was really surprised by their stances on certain issues- they agreed on alot of things.
Emory is getting more and more diverse, which I think is great. Despite its growing diversity, there is still a clear separation between ethnic groups within friends. I don't think anyone excludes anyone else on purpose, its just how it is. I wish we could interact with each other more.
I find almost everyone is very nice and kind. It is rare that I find someone who is flat out rude to me.
I think most people at Emory are extremely driven, as well. I believe that everyone has some sort of standard of living and final goal that they wish to achieve, if not in the near future, then at some point in their lives.
The student body is very diverse consisting of mosty whites, asians, and indians. There are tons of kids from South Korea and they do is smoke, never speak in English, and stay out until 5 AM. There is a high percentage of Jews and Christian people sometimes feel like a minority. There is the table of all black kids, frat brothers, koreans who don't speak english to anyone besides their professors, and weird kids who didnt do a frat. Most students come from money.