Emory University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Emory University!


The pre-med and pre-business sides of the school are very good. Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology is a unique major that isn't offered at many other universities.


I love it here. I may be in the minority, but I don't think so. I have had so many positive experiences and really no negative ones, so I never want to leave. I know there are people who feel differently, and I feel sad that they aren't having as good of an Emory experience as I am. YAY EMORY


constructions everywhere.


Emory University and the Rollins School of Public Health are wonderful institutions to be a part of. I'm sure there are negative aspects to them, but I have yet to encounter any that have been major challenges. I would recommend both of these great academic communities to prospective students.


again, the food sucks


ugly girls


There is a rift between oxford students and regular students. also, minority students are not very comfortable expressing themselves


Great campus...I'd love to see more westcoast kids here, and I'd love to see something done by the school (maybe a really good school-sponsored event) that helps people from different social groups meet each other and spend time together.


i got nothing


I think this survey should be set up differently, more multiple choice. No one wants to spend the time answering all those questions in essay form. GO EMORY!!