Emory University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Emory University?


for the most part. Favorite class was survey of jewish history or jews in american media. least favorite is italian, an unneccesary GER in my opinion. Students study often out of class. class participation is usually pretty good. Yes, emory students have intellectural conversations out of class. Probably an econ major. No. Academic requirements are okay, too stringent, require very time-consuming classes such as language requirement (every day for an entire year is too much) and science requirements (take up many hours of scheduling) learning for my own sake.


Classes are small. 15 kids in most of my classes. Professors in those classes obviously know my name. Lectures are typically around 60 students.


Most all my professors know my name. Favorite class is US History. Least favorite is Financial Accounting.


In my smaller classes I go to see my professors fairly often so they usually know my name. My best class thus far has been The Arab-Israeli conflict with Ken Stein but the worse class thus far has been art history. Students here study a lot and are very competitive. Out of class discussions are often intellectual and involve current events. I think that the college is geared towards learning for its own sake but the business school is geared towards getting a job and immediate financial gratification.


The majority of my professors know my name. My favorite class so far has been Decision Science. This class is taught in the business school and I enjoy the class and the teacher a lot. My least favorite class so far has been Intro to Theater. I try to study at least 2 hours a day on a regular week, but when I have a test I usually spend around 4 hours for two days before my test in the library studying. Class participation is very common. I have not really seen that many Emory students having intellectual conversations outside of class. There are definitely some very competitive students, but overall, most students look out for one another. The most unique class I have taken is a class on Topology. I eventually want to go to the undergraduate business program. I do not really spend time with my professors outside of class. Emory's academic requirements are great in the fact that the college requires you to take a plethora of eclectic classes. I think my education is geared towards getting a job, which could be looked at in a negative way, but I think it is a good idea.


Professors range from very bad to very good. Some professors are really nice people but horrible teachers, while others are good teachers but not too nice. The better teachers seem to be the harder graders, which doesn't make sense to me because you shouldn't be punished for taking better classes and putting in more work.


Some professors do, and some don't. There is no chance you get to know teachers in bigger classes unless you are proactive, which I would say most kids are not.


Most professors know my name. Class sizes are very benefitial to the students. Ive been in a 27 student chem class and a 150 lecture class. I had better grades and learned much more in the 27 student class. Student studying greatly varies. You have the naturally bright kids who dont study much and cram and do well on tests, and then those who study well in advance. Students are pretty competitive, but its definitely not cut throat...or at least not yet. The most unique class i took was a seminar on robotics, which was not too bad, but if done right could be a very very interesting class.


Professors have known my name is every class. No real clear winner only had one semester. before tests kids study a lot and live in the library. Most classes a select few dominate participation. students do have intellectual convos. competitive isnt too bad but kids want to do well. History of Money. Pre-business. GER's similar to most schools. Bschool is geared for a job dont know about the rest.


all the profs are great i love all my classes. i dont feel like im just a face in a big picture they all know my name regardless of the size of the class. most people participate and people have been known to talk about their material out of the classroom. most unique class so far has been classical mythology. the academic requirements seem fair and allow you to get a taste of all the departments.