Emory activities are many and's great! It is difficult to find out about all the activities as a graduate student though.
White fraternities. The basketball team is composed of 19 players, from all classes. We're relatively close and practice a lot, and put a lot of time into the sport but it pays off and is a lot of fun. Yes. Not very popular. Popular. Not popular. The dating scene, im not really sure about. Through my roommate. Studying or talking with friends. Dooley's ball where our unofficial mascot walks the campus cancelling classes, there are also concerts. People party often. Very important. I went to a surprise birthday party. Go to the movies, go to the party, go ingo the city. Go to a sporting event, out to dinner, go to a club, get my haircut, go food shopping, and to the mall.
Depends what you're into, there's something for everyone. I'm on the Varsity soccer team, it gives me a different dynamic on campus and a seperate group of kids to socialize and hang out with outside of my other friends. Many students do leave their doors open in the dorms. Guest speakers are extremely important and well recieved. I met my closest friends freshman year on my friend from home's hall. Frats and sororities are what you make of them. They're not necessary but they can be fun and open up a larger social scene for you at school. It helps to make the school feel smaller. Intramural sports are huge here, and a few sport's seasons take place every semester. Championships are highly coveted. You have the whole city of Atlanta right next door to you. There's a lot to do that doesnt involve drinking from shopping to entertainment.
social life gets way boring because its very repetitive
It depends on what people are interested in. Sororities and fraternities play a big role in determining that.
I'm in ICE, HSC, Ngambika, Hughes, etc. Just trying to get involved in different things.
Some not many.
It depends on whether we know the people playing or if there will be door prizes/food.
Guest speakers are popular by certain groups. There are always a good amount of people at all guest speaker lectures.
There are also a lot of people at theater performances, many are there due to class requirements as opposed to because of interest, but they end up enjoying most of them.
Dating is good. A lot of people go to different schools nearby to date.
I met my closest friends the first week of school at Hughes.
Dooley's ball week.
Many party Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. I don't see how that's possible.
Frats and sororities are a big part of most Emory students' lives.
Last weekend was the one weekend I went home.
Saturday nights usually involve hanging out with friends watching movies and/or playing cards.
Off campus.. shop.. movie at Lenox.. nice dinner in buckhead via the Lenox shuttle
social life is dominated by frats.
The Club Sports scene on Campus is great. Since our varsity sports aren't hugely popular, a lot of people come out for our club sports instead to watch. Rugby and Lacrosse are two that are very popular, and very competative in their respective leagues. I play lacrosse, and am happy to say that we are currently ranked number 5 in the nation for club lacrosse B level, playing a competative mix of teams from Minnesota, Ohio, and beyond. We will most likely be attending the national tournament in Dallas at the end of the year. The commitment is only 4 days a week, so it doesn't take over your life, but it's still enough to play the sport you love. And the guys are great. This goes for other club sports here too.
sports teams and greek organizations are most popular. many people in dorms leave doors open. athletic events are not very popular, definitely not speakers or theater. closest friends i met through dorm life and sports. not excessive partying. frat's and soritities are HUGE.
I always leave my dorm door open. I feel that in the beginning of the year it was a great way to meet other incoming freshman. I think that athletic events should become more popular. Having been a cheerleader at a spirited high school I miss watching basketball games. I think that the social scene at emory is great. I love the fact that I am in a sorority. It enables me to get involved in philanthropic events as well as social events such as mixers with fraternities and other sororities. Joining a soririty was a great way to make new friends on campus. Since emory is located in a metropolitan area there are lots of things to do on the weekends that are off campus: movies, shows, museums, acquarium, atheltic events, etc.