Emory University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Emory University?


The most frustrating thing is the lack of affordable off campus housing and a lack of off campus jobs. Also the parking registration fee is very high and can be a challenge to afford for some students from poorer families.


The workload isn't heavy... but you have to rely a lot on yourself to study and adjust to a more difficult and fast-paced learning environment. Most people at the school are also very rich and intelligent and can come off as 'snotty.'


School sometimes is very overwhelming, especially the price. Emory is extremely expensive, and this year although I explained my circumstances to the financial aid office I recieved no help. I wish they would be more understnading to personal situations and treat their students like the value them.


lack of financial aid


Emory costs a great deal of money and there are jokes around campus since there's always constuction which is annoying to work around... "That extra 5k my parents spent sure did make getting to Chem ontime an ordeal!" etc. I also think that Emory should encourage students to spend more than one semester abroad instead of being so restrictive. It is very difficult to spend more than 1 semester and a summer session abroad, yet Emory has a good relationship with the Carter Center and other places around Atlanta that would encourage greater global responsibility.


People who slip through the cracks.


The most frustrating thing is the lack of a football team. Although we are in the south, there is no football and sometimes you feel as if youa re in what is called the emory bubble which isolates you somewhat from the rest of Atlanta. The feeling at emory is very different from the rest of the south. Another frustrating thing is how much certain groups of people hang together. most northerners, East asians, and African americans stick to themselves a lot. The university makes a strong attempt at breaking and encouraging everyone to assimilate but it typically doesnt work