Go on as many college visits as you can to get the feel of the schools you are considering. Have fun, you are only in college once!
The advice I would give about college choices and making the most of the college experience is to take advantage of every opportunity that is given to you. If you have the abilities, the drive, the stamina, and the passion to go after your dreams and ambitions, TAKE IT. LET NOTHING AND NOBODY STOP YOU. So many people regret not following their dreams, and as a result are playing the "What If" game. They're unhappy with their current lives so they wonder "WHAT IF I had went to the college that I really wanted to go to but didnt because my dad wanted me to go to his alma mater?" or "WHAT IF I had majored in pre-med even though everybody told me to just play it safe and not get my hopes up ?". Refuse to let other people's own shortcomings, failures and insecurities place a bleak outlook on your life. I was at a leadership conference last month and something one of the speakers said stuck with me. He said sometimes when you really want something, yu have to act ugly to get it. Why? Because ugly people have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Visit the college!
When first embarking on your college experience you should visit as many colleges as you can. A college visit will not only give you a feel for the college but it will allow you to check out the dorms, class sizes, extra curricular activities, etc. And hey, you never know when you will run into that first cute classmate? why not start early!
After choosing a college it is important to remember one thing: make wise choices. Yes, that toga party on Tuesday night sounds fun but studying for your Wednesday morning 8:00 AM Calc test is probably more important. On the other hand, it?s a big world out there- don?t trap yourself in your dorm room- meet as many people as you can, join some activities and enjoy your college experience.
First and foremost choose a school that not only offers the classes you want but is the size that's comfortable. Some college campus are huge and may be overwhelming. Also, when starting college get involved with groups. It helps to get to know other students and make friends you'll have for life. Get to know your advisor well. They are there to help so feel free to sit and visit with them.
Go to the school that would best suit your needs and your social standing. I know your not going to college to party, but nobody should go through college without friends.
When your looking for a college, make sure that it has few distractions. I originally wanted to go to a big school like, KU (Kansas State University); but i'm glad I went to Emporia. A few of my friends did bad their freshman years at bigger schools, and the class size's were overwhelming. At Emporia however, the class sizes were small; and I could personally get to know my proffessors. Another important issue is the price of admission. With the economic bind were in, paying for college could seem nearlly impossible without finacial help from outside sources. I would personally suggest that a student go to a 2 year community college first, and then transfer to a bigger institution. Its cheaper, and it helps east the transistion into college life. Its really something I would have considered doing 3 years ago.
If you want your child to succeed and learn more than they have ever before then college is the best place to do it.
Pick a school that seems about the right size for you and about the right distance from home. I would say that you will probably fall in love with any school you choose to attend, so just think about the small things when deciding.
I advise all parents and/or students to get up and go around to several colleges to get a feel for each individual scene. Meet the people, talk to teachers, stay for a weekend to see what people do for fun. It is all about finding a home away from home. You want to feel comfortable yet , make it challenging. First, think about how big of a college you want to attend, then ask yourself what you want to gain from college. Just keep your options open and do not be afaid to go with your gut instinct. That is what I did and I could not be more happy with my choice of college! It is just the right size and I as soon as I visited, I felt a new, exciting beginning ... to life.
Finding a college is about finding what best suits the student, not the parent. Remember to let your child always have a say in what their future will be. There are several ways of paying for college, so I believe campus atmosphere, class size, and on-campus resources should be more important. Never be afraid of applying to your dream school because you never know what they might offer in return. The deciding factor for me when choosing ESU, was the campus tour because I went during their homecoming weekend. I got a glimpse of campus life, city involvement as well as being able to converse with the professors. So, when choosing a school make sure it is the one that you feel most comfortable with when you tour it's campus. My last piece of advice would be that you should live in the dorms at least a semester because it is the best way to meet people and get involved in everything. College is where you make life changing decisions and meet lifetime friends.