Essex County College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Essex County College?

Is Essex County College a good school?

What is Essex County College known for?


I'm very excited and interested to have a scholarship to move to the next step. I would like to serve and shape the USA. Thank you.


I like the school. Its the cheapest in the state and if you get involved there are lots of opportunities.


ECC is a very good school with good professors, excellent professors, bad professors, and the professors who need to retire. My overall opinion about the school is that it has treated me fairly well, because I have come across some difficult professor but I always study hard and not quit. People will disagree with me, but each individual has there own experiences. The best thing is there welcome back feast, that are held outside, you get to meet new people and learn about different clubs at that. Another good thing is the tools that are at your fingertips, because you either use them or not.. The school is located in the heart of a major city, You can not only study in that library, but NJIT, Rutgers, and even Seton Hall. This is a good school who cares for the students, The most frequent complaints are Financial Aid and the overpriced food that isn't much of a selectivity. They are always having educational forums, concerts, fashion shows. A cool new thing is that we now have Greek life on campus as well.