i wiould tell my high school self to listen, and to think before i act.
Attending a two year college is just as valuable of an experience as attending a four year institution. It is better to spend less while you may be indecisive about a career choice, than to spend way more and still be undecided about one. Truly, it is most college students ideal to leave home and stay on campus right after high school, but it is not the best plan of action for everyone. Assess your life and capabilities realistically and you should arrive at the best plan of action.
if i could change the hands in time to when i was in high school and give myself advice from making this transition into college, honestly i would have to tell myself the truth about things. i would say to myself that all the foolish things that i was doing was not worth what i wanted to do out of life. yes i had my time as a teen and got into some trouble and a couple of fights but thats with all teens. but for me to be able to mature and grow unlike some of my friends i would have to say. i would have to beat in my head that i know i wanna be someone in life and know thats not going to come easy so stop the games and get serious. i had a goal since my mother passed that i would make something of myself aand still to this day i still have that goal. i plan to keep it until im working in my career job smiling up at my mother telling her i did it. so my words of advice is to stay focus and reach for my dreams.
Knowing what I know now about college life I would tell my high school senior self that not everything will fall into place like it did in high school. College is a lot more difficult than you think it would be. There are times when big assignments for classes or big tests are all in the same week, and you won't have time to do as well on them if you don't prepare in advance. I would tell my high school self that I need to be more prepared for class and study in advance, not the night before. When a professor gives you an early hand in date, to take the opportunity because most of the time they will grade it then give it back for you to fix, some will even bump your grade it you hand it in by this date. Always take adventage of this if/when the opportunity arrises. The most important thing I would go back and tell myself is to not lose myself, and always try my best nomatter what the circumstances.
The advice that I would give myself as a high school senior is that I would make sure that I know what major that I want so that I could stay focused and not have to withdraw from a class. I would also make sure that all of my papers for financial aid are completed early so that I could get the maximum amount of aid. I would apply for many scholarships so that I could possibly get some scholarships. Finally, I would keep my grades up in my senior year of high school so it could impress the college that I decide to go to.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to go straight into college after high school. I would also tell myself to do very well on the tests so that I would not have to take any remedial classes. There are so many things that I would have done in my past that would have changed my life tremendously. Not saying that I don't love the life that I live and the people in it but I would have never waited so long to go to school. Things would have been alot easier had I gone into college immediately. Now that I'm older and of course much wiser, I truly understand how important college is in your life. I understand that without the proper education your not going to get ahead or at least where you want to be. Not only do you not have bills and children to worry about but the work is alot easier being that you are going right into college after the 12th grade, which is just like a continuation of your education.
I would tell my self that as a promise. I would promise myself to graduate from high school and go straight to Essex County College . To promise my self to finish in 2003 then go to Jersey City University to become who I wanted to become. Then to travel to a Masters program to recieve my second dream then relax for a year. Next I would of promised my self to go and recieve my doctors degree in my third person in waht I wanted to become. When I am done I would of looked back on pictures, papers and said Keisha Little you made a promise you have kept now your reward is a better life. A better way of living and a life long living in three careers of what you want to be.
"Don't be afraid to indulge yourself in the experience", I would say. As a high school senior, I believed that college was about partying and getting a diploma, but what I learned after leaving my four year institution and having to attend a two year institution, is that partying and education are indeed apart of education, but so is learning about yourself, learning about others and thier cultures, there beliefs. College is one of the few opportunities that most people get in their lives to explore any area that they would like. "Take advantage of clubs and organization, take part in study abroad opportunities, don't be afraid to do an independent study or be apart of your professors research", I would say. Finally, I would say "Enjoy your life". College is an opportuntiy to re-invent yourself, to grow, to change; to do better. Live it up and enjoy this phase where you are free of most adult responsibilities, but can still make some mistakes without the huge consequences that post-college students face. Enjoy, learn, and experience.
The very first advice I would give myself is to make sure that I am invloved in more school activities. School activities are fun, but signing up is half the accomplishment. Building relationships with other students and sharing their struggles can have a positve impact on your grades. There was a club called Health Occupation Students of America ( H.O.S.A) that I should have remained a member of. This club helped me with my science courses in college. Also I would make sure that I had a job that can help support my education financially. The money from the job could have created a nest egg for me so I can pay for my classes and books. Lastly I would continue volunteering at the local hospitals. The volunteering could have given me more hands on knowledge of what to expect when I actually become a nurse. Having said this to myself then I could have made my transition to college better planned and prepared.
I would tell myself to be prepared for the independent life, and to save up money to help pay for school. Knowing what I know about college life now, I would first be ready to study a much more amount of time. Teachers in college do not push as much as they do in high school. They teach and tell students lectures of the class. To be prepared to take much more notes than I did in high school. To pay attention and stay focused on the class and nothing more. The college life is not all fun and games. I would tell myself that you PAY to study, so to make sure I get my moneys worth. To not clown around and focus on my career and what I want for myself.