Fairmont State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Fairmont State University?


The most frustrating thing about Fairmont State University is the availability of classes. Many classes are only offered in either the fall or the spring semesters which can make it nearly impiossible to schedule classes or graduate on time. Also, the more difficult courses tend to be scheduled together so your schedule can often be bogged down with three difficult courses making the semester a little harder.


I think the most frustrating thing about my school is the usage of their online system. We have a program called Blackboard and it can sometimes be frustrating if you do not know how to use it. Also their website is not set up extremely well which means I have to know what is going on before I get on the website to find out anything.


focusing on studying


The most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of financial aid. I really need scholorships in order to attend school here, and the school offers very few. All I have are loans, and I would really like to enjoy the bemefits of a scholarship.


The most frustrating thing about attending Fairmont State University is the lack of social activities outside of the school. The town of Fairmont offers little excitement and the campus is the main attraction in the town. That said, the school itself offers some activities but not enough to offset the lack of things going on outside the campus.