My school's heart and soul is fashion. Yet you get to interact with Art majors, my roommates were photography majors, friends of mine are interior design majors. We all feed off each other's drive and passion to make something more of ourselves. FIT is unique because we understand what it take to make it in the tough industry that is fashion and how to integrate all the other elements such as photography and interior design into it.
The professors utilize their reali life expriences to teach the class so instead of just taking notes from a book everyday and having book exams, we're learning how to utilize the material from the book into our desired majors.
Most of the schools I considered focused on school activities and school spirit for sports. This school has tons of school activities but little school spirit.
FIT has their students admitted to a specific major. I appreciate that FIT forces students to begin their professional life and become independent entrepreneur from the very beginning of their college experience. FIT is unique in that students can get their associates in one major and then get a bachelors in the same or any other major for the last two years. This gives students the opportunity to try different things. The professors are great, the environment is fabulous and so are the classes.
FIT is a very diverse and multicultural school where students are able to express how they feel through what they wear all the way to the color of their hair. It allows students to become an individual and bond with other students over similarities.
Its very fun engaging, you meet lots of new peopel everyday, everyone here has unique individual styles, your not be judge based on how you look, your sexual orientation e.t.c, our school has a lot of extra curricular activities and it also has alot of services including caeere and counseling services
What is unique is that all of the teachers have worked in the fashion industry so they are teaching you directly out of the industry you want to work in. They are so knowledgable about what we are learning and they are our best tools to use while moving forward in our careers. They want to help us succeed and they provide us with information that goes well beyond the class you are taking.
When I complete two years at FIT I can get my associates and then continue for a Bachelors.
At that time, I had chosen Fashion Institute of Technology because it was right in the middle of New York City. The campus is located in the beautiful Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood; one of the most vibrant areas with cafes, art galleries, boutiques, theaters, museums and restaurants. FIT is internationally recognized. Coming from Africa, I felt at home since the college population was diversified. FIT also offered a direct connection to New York City culture and commerce. In addition, FIT offers more than 60 student clubs, plus community service opportunities and activities for its students
THey offer great service for student outside of the class