Fashion Institute of Technology Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I knew that when accepted and coming into this school, the Interior Deisgn program would be challenging. I wish I had known to what extent though, because coming in as a first year student in the program, I got whisked into a heavy work load right away. With the shared experiences of my classmates, this transition was made easier because I was not alone. I also wish I knew to not be afraid to be entering a "fashion" school, because I eventually learned that this school isn't only fashion related, but offers so much more, and I am thankful.


FIT isnt for someone who is expecting the normal college experience. You have to be ready to put those ideas aside and really focus on what is important to you and why you applied here in the first place.


I wish i had realized that being a commuter student isnt ideal. commuting back and forth is a hassle i will soon apply for dorming next semester. Im too busy to commute back and forth its more convienent


I wish I knew what the social life was going to be like. I wish I knew how unmotivated or how little pre-requisite knowledge was required to be accepted to such a school.


How much work the Fashion Design major is.


There is nothing really that I wish I knew. College was all knew to me, so I did not know exactly what to expect anyway.


how hard it would be on me financially to liek in new york


i wish i had known that I needed a fake ID right when I got there freshman year , the nightlife in newyork city is ridicously fun but you need an ID to go everywhere when your 18


Not to come to this school.


I really like how the school makes us take on so much responsibility and grow up, but I wish that I would have prepared myself more during high school for this responisiblity. Overall I'm glad that I can learn more in college that I can use later in life.