The best part of my school is the experience and information you learn from being on campus and off campus. The school is in the heart of New York City, which allows the student to be shaped not just on campus but around the city.
The best thing about my school is where it's located. New York City has an almost unlimited amount of opportunities in every field. For those who are willing to work hard for what they want, success is definitely achievable in this city.
The best thing about my school is the student services and the faculty that works with you. Unlike my first school, FIT has staff and faculty who care about the students and inform them of anything that could benefit the student. Whether its spreading announcements about deadlines, events, or guest speakers or even keeping students updated with everything that is going on on campus, they help their students succeed in their experiences.
The education is the best to break into the industry.
What I consider the best thing about my school is the faculty. They are all very involved and are willing to help the students if they are dedicated. Even though many may be tough, that is how it is in the real world so it truely pushes you to challenge yourself like you would in the work indistry. Not only that, but all professors still work in the industry which allows for students to gain experience in networking, allowing them important opportunities and connections that will help them in their future.
When you get down to it the most important thing to consider when looking at schools is the professors. Teachers are the most direct resource you can ask for when studying any field. FIT has hundreds of fantastic professors to offer; professors who in their off time teach at other acclaimed institutes, universities, and work in the industries they educate their students about; giving first hand information about the fields you will be entering.In the big picture Humans have the very rare ability to learn from one another, why would you ever want to waste such an amazing ability?
The best thing about my school is that students start classes involving their major from day one. Classes emphasize on each major so every class you take is helping you for your career. The professors are experienced in the field they teach and are very helpful. The Fashion Institute of Technology is very focused on academics and preparing you for your career. They have excellent connections in the industry which can help secure a job in the future.
The best thing about my school is the location and the endless job and internship opportunities that it advertises agressively. We are learning a wide variety of skills that are essential to have working in the related industries in the heart of the buisness capital of North America.
It is very career driven, the moment you start you are immediately taking classes toward the career you want to have. The location is amazing, it is dropped in the middle of manhattan so getting a local job or internship is fairly easy. The classes are small and personal so professors know your name and are very accessible. Lastly the quality of the education is worth more than the tuition, its definitely a bargain!
The best thing about my school it the oppurtunities that you get as far as jobs and internships.