Finger Lakes Community College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Finger Lakes Community College? Why?


The parking situation. There is one small parking lot right in front of the school that fills up very quickly and the other parking is approxamitely a half mile from the school. If you drive a large vehicle you have to park towards the back of the second parking lot and in the winter it is a very icy walk in to school and back out.


Parking is a very big issue at our campus. With enrollment up and construction going on around the school parking can be difficult. While there is plenty of parking in various parking lots, the walk from some of the lots is 10 minutes or more and this time of year can be very cruel with the weather.


I don't really think there is a bad thing about FLCC. I do get rather frustrated with their Financial Aid Office at main campus, but I avoid them by contacting the Financial Aid Office at one of the off-site campuses.


Finding parking close is very difficult; you have to be there around 7:00 AM just to get the limited 200 close spots. With the cold and the amount of snow we get in New York the walk quickly becomes a nuisance.