If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would probably tell myself to work a little harder and not settle for anything other than what I had worked for and deserved.
Dear High School Me,
Don't worry so much. Even though good grades are important and you want to get accepted into a school, you must remember your happiness is more important. If you are staying up all night working on a paper or studying for exams or applying for scholarships, feeling extemely overwhelmed, don't. Go to bed. Do not compare yourself to others so much. Other people's success is not your failure. Unlike high school, no one cares if your hair is perfect, if you did better on the test, etc. In college, everyone has the same goal- get good grades and earn a degree. Do not be afraid to ask for help, because the college application process can get very confusing. Also, your classes will challenge you, so it's important you have something to help support you. But most importantly, remember that there is no need to be so worried because it always works out in the end.
As a high school senior i was very unsure about my future and i panicked at the thought of not knowing where life might take me. In addition, my confusion led me to take some things for granted and miss some opportunities that could have helped me prepare for college. Now that i have gone through the transition from high school to college i wish i could go back in time to tell myself to relax and take every opportunity i could. I would also tell myself to not be afraid, since college is all about discovery.
This is a difficult question to answer. I believe everything happens for a reason. As a college freshman, I experienced many trials and struggles. It was the most difficult time of my life. During senior year of high school, I was certain there was only one University for me. I applied to that school, and only that school. My thought was that I'd be accepted there or enter the work force and perhaps attend a local school part time. Thankfully I was accepted at St Bonaventure University. It was not until mid-fall semester Freshman year that I began to realize I might have made the wrong decision.
The advice I'd give is, "Do not be afraid to stay near home despite society's expectations, and stick to it. Trials are put in our path for a reason; and eventually they will pass. " I have since learned many difficult life lessons. Ultimately my SBU experience made me a STRONG individual with a high level of committment and exceptionally high standards. If I had realized back then that trials are temporary, I might have saved myself some time, money and heart-ache. I have learned from this experience.
If I was able to go back in time to my senior year of high school I would teach myself to be more determined and work harder. My senior year we only had one major project, which was our Benchmark. This was a very involved project and I worked really hard on achieving a good grade, but for the remainder of the school year there was not much for me to do. I would have found something to work on or helped with my community more. It is good to stay active and communicate with the people around you. Being more active with school clubs, my community, and to work harder in my classes are the few things I would better myself with.
If I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior, I would tell myself not to go into Mechanical Engineering because it is not what I wanted to do. I would tell myself that Fingerlakes Community College is where I need to start and to go into the Mechanical Technology program. I would tell myself not to worry about doing something that was unfamilar to me because at Finger Lakes Community College are many teachers and other students that would help me through the transition. I would tell myself that I will learn a lot of interesting things at college.
I would tell myself to study harder for the SAT's, and begin the whole process sooner. I would make sure that I didn't have an anxious feeling as I approached the end of my year by securing a good GPA and keeping my studies up above all else. I would also have applied for scholarships sooner, knowing now that they are very difficult to get.
College is not like high school. Sure you still have to go to go to class and answer to teachers, but the responsibility is yours alone. Mom and dad are not standing over your shoulder hounding you to do the work. If you are living on campus, there are only distractions to keep you from working. You must have your own determination and drive to complete the work and studing to get the grades you need to get the diploma. Had I known there were so many prerequisit classes to take, I think I would take as many as I could to get them out of the way. If you don't have a degree in mind it is a good idea to get any and all possible prerequisits done while deciding what you might want to do. This is also a good time to get to know the college and its workings and staff. A community college is a good place to start, it is generally less expensive, while deciding what you want to do.
If I could go back and talk to myself about college in my senior year of high school I would definitely tell myself not to slack off and to take as many classes the school had available and would allow for me to take. I would also tell myself not to worry about what other students thought of you, college is nothing at all like high school and it won't matter. I would also tell myself not to stress over the college process, enjoy it. It's a great opportunity and you should enjoy the experience of being able to pick your future and where you are going to start it from. The last thing I would tell myself would be, "Don't take college life for granted, get everything you can from it and enjoy it while you are there. Aim high and don't be afraid to ask questions and you are guaranteed to succeed!"
The main thing that I would tell myself is to stay focussed and don't allow myself to be distracted and let my grades fall. I can't stress that enough (because that's exactly what happened and I'm paying for it now). SCHOOL COMES FIRST!!!! Then I would tell myself to NEVER have sex without a condom. Lastly, have fun and be prepared because life is about to change.
In my first year of college, I have been through so much that I have really regretted. But now that I think about it, I don't think that I would change any of it. All of that crazy stuff that has happened to me, I learned to accept it and take it all in as a learning experience. My first year of college has helped me grow and shaped the person that I am becoming. So despite everything, I would tell myself to fasten my seatbelt, because it's a long, bumpy ride....but like a roller coster, it'll be scary and fun. And at the end of the ride, you'll come out standing with your head held high, sharing your experience with others.